Addicted- Surprise, too

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My eyes widened as the bottle plummeted to the nice tiled floor. How the fuck was she pregnant ? I was in pure shock.

I felt Rochelle's hand grab my shirt as if she was falling backwards.

"Ya'll okay? Aren't you happy?" she said approaching me

"Um, um I-I-I" the words didn't seem to want to come out of my mouth

"Qua' sean Jesus Christ" I looked on the ground to see Rochelle lying on her back with her legs wide open "My water just broke"

I shook my head "Uh, no I-I-I just poured some water on the ground"

"QUA' SEAN SHE'S COMING OUT!" she grabbed me down to her level as she began to grunt and pant

"Call the police" I told Dove who was pacing around the island "Go NOW !" she ran to the living room in a hurry

Sweat was pouring down Rochelle's face non stop "Qua' sean, you were right" she squeezed onto my left hand

"About what?" I said grunting due to the pain she was causing in my fist

"I-I do hate the bitch, I hate her so much. She tried to kill me and my baby Qua' sean" she took in deep breaths "She couldn't have tell you alone. OH LORD! SHE ALMOST H-HERE!!!"

I looked down at her legs and did a double take, I swear I seen a white bald head coming out of it.... A rush of drowsiness flooded over my body, my eyes flickered as my body went limp, the screaming and panicking  became faint echoes screeching throughout the room. This was just to much for me at the moment.

I heard beeping through the room from a monitor, I blinked a couple of times so I could become familiar with my surroundings. There was a blue curtain separating my side of the room to the other. From that side of the curtain I saw a bright yellow light shining into the room, the blue sheet curtains got pulled apart.

"You okay?" Dove said slowly approaching my bedside

"Yeah, where's Rochelle?" I sat up adjusting my pillow

"She had a pretty baby girl. Aviicia George, looks just like her" she smiled as she sat down on the edge of the gurney

"How long ago, did anyone else come?"

"About two hours ago, but you just passed out, she had her before the paramedics can leave the porch" she shrugged "Julian, Day Day, Dominique and that other girl showed up, but you were still knocked the fuck out so they headed to Rocky then left"

"What other girl, how does she look?"

"MIDNIGHT! OKAY THAT OTHER GIRL, DAMN!!" her shouting startled me a bit

"All that shouting isn't good for our baby or my heart, so babe, I'm a need you to chillax"

Her eyes began to glow and her breathing smoothed, she hugged me unexpectedly "You're actually accepting our baby... I'm so happy right now you just don't know it. We have so much to plan"

I ran my fingers through her silky black hair, sighing deeply "I know, it's a whole lot of responsibility, so we gonna have to... throw our foolishness away"

She nodded and looked up at me "We're gonna be parents, you're going to be a daddy"

"A daddy..."

"A great one, too"

My mind was just processing on how I was going to break this down to Midnight. Will she go smooth on me again or is she going to attack me? I just don't know how to feel or what to feel. I can't think properly, all I can think about is 'Qua' sean, boy you a daddy now'

"What room is Rochelle in? I have to talk to her" I removed the blanket from my lower body and  put my bare feet on the cold tile floors

"Fourth floor, room four' o seven. Want me to come with you?" she asked as we stood up from the bed

"Naw, I need to talk to her in private, but thank you" I made my way to the other side of the sheet like curtain

"Qua' sean" she giggled "I think you wanna cover up before you get raped"

My hands quickly covered my behind as my cheeks became rosy; quite embarrassing "Can you get me another hospital gown?" she looked through the little dresser they had near the bathroom and handed me the baby blue gown. I wrapped my backside with it and made my way down to the fourth floor.

I knocked on the door whilst pushing it open slightly. I peeked in as I walked in.

"Hey baby bro, feeling better I see" she smiled with a balled up blanket in her hands "Come here and meet your niece"

I walked over to see the baby fast asleep in her mother's arms "She's so cute. Avicky, right?"

She chuckled "No, Aviicia actually. She looks just like her father and I can't wait till we go back home and have him go crazy over her" a tear fell from her ey

I placed my hand over her shoulder "I'll miss you, visit soon and send me pictures throughout her growing stages, okay" I looked at little Aviicia sleeping peacefully

"Promise. Midnight and Julian were here early, we spoke for a good minute, all had turns holding my little angel"

"You didn't tell her about Dove, right?" she looked away from me "You didn't tell her anything... am I right?"

"All I told her was that you and she will be having a very important talk later on in life. That's all nothing more, sorry if I told her a little to much"

I palmed my head in anger "Damn Rocky, she... oh Lord. I'm afraid, she gonna hit me with all these questions and I have to find a way to tell her"

"Why you afraid of a bitch for? Damn you really must be in love" she said making quotations wit her fingers emphasizing the word love

"I'm just gonna break it off with her, nothing more. I'll tell her the reason for, but it ain't finna be easy. I have to become a real man now and just take responsibility"

She started saying hallelujahs and amen "Yes Jesus, show this boy the light. It's not bad being a father or having a baby, I mean it's gonna be a lot of pain for Dove, but you'll be surprised of the outcome"

"I know that's why I'm done with Midnight... if I'm still going strong with her then I won't have time for Dove or my's just so fucking hard right about now"

She looked up at me squinting her eyes "By any chance find out how far along she is and when she found out she was pregnant.... I still don't like her and I'm not saying you're not the father." she sighed "Just make sure cause I don't want no bitch fucking your life up"

I nodded "Thanks I really needed this talk...see you back at the house" she smiled and nodded also. I left the room and headed back to Dove who had her feet kicked up on my bed, I joined her as we watched some Comedy Central.

I really do have to step up, but I'm a have to go with the flow. What can I say...Can't believe I'm a be a daddy.

How yall feel about him being a daddy and breaking things off with Midnight?

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