Addicted- Put it Down

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M¡dn¡ght P.O.V_

.Put It DOWN.

I was so ready to get business done with because I had so much anger on my chest at this moment. I fucking hate when people cross me so If I don't do what I have to do right now, I'll jump in my car, run over some innocent person and flee the country.

I had my glock on my waist and pistol in hand wearing all black starting from my beanie to my blacked out Nike's.

Kevin pulled up with Zaheem and Gema in the black BMW.

Kevin looked up at me and sucked his teeth. I didn't pay him no attention , so he started up the car and drove off. The car ride was filled with only the sound of the car's motor revving in our ears. Being the noisy past caring woman I am, I opened the glove box to find a small bag of my favorite past times. When we reached a red light Kevin glanced at me. I smiled at him as he shook his head.

"Damn" he said slightly whispering

I patted his back "Don't worry nigga, we finna puff ,puff pass" he sucked his teeth, but I already started rolling the blunt. I got the wrap, sprinkled the weed on it, rolled it up, gave it a lick and that motherfucker was ready to blow.

After ten minutes of driving Kevin decided to pull over to hit it with us. The windows were rolled up, so the high remained in the car. It was a bit foggy, but it was so relaxing; took my mind off the pressure of the world.

"Yo, Midnight" Zaheem said as he was laughing randomly

I puffed "What nigga?"

"Stop being so fucking greedy and pass the shit to the team bruh" I saw his hand reach in front of me

I slapped his hand out my way "I found it"

"But it's my shit" Kevin butted in reaching for the blunt

"Ya'll chill!!!" when I wasn't paying much attention Gema took it from my grasp "Damn we got business to do and ya'll acting like jits"

Zaheem sighed "You right. Just let me hit one more time, ma"

"No, this is for me only cause Middy over here done smoke half this shit by herself, so Kev start the car or I'll drop out"

He turned on the car and departed from the area. The night was dark and I just felt something creep up on me a bit making me shiver. I shook it off, but I still felt a bit cold in the heart.

"Hey you aight?" Kev said placing his arm on my thigh. I nodded. "Should we call Damien no-"

"Yeah call him now, but we have to change our plans"

"Really? Why?" a smirk crept upon my face, but they didn't really need to know my new plans



We arrived at a mansion here in Los Angeles, but it was near the forest or the woods. Gem got into costume and the guys headed on back and since Damien was fucking around with these niggas, he get to go in first.

"Whatever happens tonight Middy just know you were always my favorite cousin and I love you" she hugged me with the half empty beer bottle in her hand. A tear slipped from her eye as she pulled down her golden dress a bit.

"We gonna be fine Gem, don't think about it just do" she nodded and I patted her back.

I ran to the guys in my position. With the help of one of my biggest customers, Mr. Konk, we had this plan down pack. He gave us a blue print of the house and told us everyone who was gonna be there that night.

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