Family outgoing

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Violet's POV

Everyone was surprised as soon as I stopped singing, they were amazed at my singing voice.

Dick:"WOW, that was AMAZING" Dick squealed

Violet:"thanks, I guess" I walked over and sat next to Bruce and he wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my back making me fall asleep as I listened to his heartbeat. I always fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer when I'm listening to a heartbeat. To be fair I needed that sleep for what was happening tomorrow would exhaust me and be fun.

Dicks POV

We sat there watching the film and as Violet fall asleep, she looked so peaceful. We stayed up late watching films and soon enough we were all asleep waiting for Tommow so we can surprise Violet.

---Time Skip---

(next day)

Tim's POV

I woke up and of course, I was the first. I snuck around trying not too wake anyone up. I got breakfast, brushed my teeth got dressed and checked the bat caves computer. After an hour past Jason woke up, then Damian, then Dick and then Bruce but he couldn't move until Violet woke. Soon after two hours past Violet woke up. Me and my brothers and Bruce all get ready to tell Violet the surprise after we all had breakfast.

(after breakfast)

Jason's POV

We all finished breakfast and I was the person who was gonna tell Violet.

Jason:"Violet, we have a surprise for you"

Violet:"what is it" she questioned

jason:"were going-" I was rudely interrupted by Dick who couldn't handle the pressure

Dick:"TO TAKE YOU SHOPPING" dick said excitedly

Bruce:"that and horseback riding as a treat as your now family" Bruce said in a sweet soft voice.

---Time Skip---

(at shopping centre)

Violet's POV

Bruce:"you can buy anything you want Violet, and I'll puy for you" Bruce said kindly

Violet:"thanks but what for"I asked

Bruce:"for your room" Bruce answered

We went to each shop and I bought things for me and the others as a thank you gift. I got; a few clothes for myself, a DVD I liked, a teddy that was super cute and makes a heartbeat sound so I can stop falling asleep on Bruce and mainly arsenal's but I did get a few things I liked. For the others I got Damian an assassin/ninjitsu book, Jason a motorcycle helmet he liked, Tim a fighting skills book that he wanted, Dick a reading book about ninjas and assassins and a fighting skills book, and finally, Bruce a cars/vehicles book so he can tinker and make new batmobiles as well as a necklace that I got personalised saying 'daddy-bats' with the Batman symbol on it, I mean it's safe as lots of people were wearing things with the Batman symbol on it.

For the others I got Damian an assassin/ninjitsu book, Jason a motorcycle helmet he liked, Tim a fighting skills book that he wanted, Dick a reading book about ninjas and assassins and a fighting skills book, and finally, Bruce a cars/vehicles bo...

---Time Skip---

(at the horse stable that Bruce owns the company of)

Violet's POV

We finished shopping and was now at the stables, they were about to hand me a horse to ride.

Worker:"here you can ride cinder"

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