I Need a Little Time

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Chihiro opened her eyes to find herself standing in the sparkling stone room she had recovered in after her escape from the hospital

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Chihiro opened her eyes to find herself standing in the sparkling stone room she had recovered in after her escape from the hospital. Meeka was standing a little apart from her, obviously disorientated, her ears were flat and she was blinking her golden eyes owlishly. Chihiro saw no reason to move from the haven of Haku's arms just yet, despite Meeka's presence. Besides she was not too sure her knees would hold her.

"When you said "home," I thought you meant the bathhouse." She mumbled into his chest, she was still trembling slightly.

"One day I hope you will look on this place as home." He said his voice practically purring deep in his chest. She stared up at him, but she knew from the wicked gleam in his emerald eyes that he was teasing her. She guessed it was just his way of coping with what he had just declared to the entire spirit world. A smile tugged at her lips, he smiled back at her tenderly and then reluctantly released her, giving her plenty of time to find her balance. However, he seemed to wish to maintain some contact with his hard-won prize and seized her hands possessively in his own, clasping them to his chest. Chihiro smiled again almost chuckling at him, she knew she must look absolutely terrible but at that moment she did not care.

"I brought you here because the bathhouse will be in total chaos. I was thinking you could spend a few days here with Meeka. I have to return unfortunately but I want you to have time to relax and to think. Take some time to take in everything that has happened." She nodded it made sense.

"Do Rin and Linca know where I am?" He sighed and tightened the grip on her hands as if such things were just a trifle to him.

"I'll be returning to the bathhouse now, I'll be flying of course, I would not want to cast another long-distance transportation spell without a rest." He treated her to a crooked smile, which threatened to melt her bones. "I'm good but I'm not that good. I'll tell Rin and Linca as soon as I get there, I may even contact them on the way if you like." She nodded.

"If you could please, they will be worried." He glanced over her head at the little wood spirit who was just standing watching them both, he frowned.

"Meeka could you draw a bath for Chihiro and prepare a meal?" He asked coolly. Meeka bowed hurriedly and scuttled away.

There was silence between them for a moment. Chihiro could not believe everything that had happened. She still felt a little numb.

"I... I don't know how to repay you for what you have done Haku." She whispered. He laughed, surprised and touched her cheek gently, his eyes were soft almost wistful.

"Just be happy, at least then I can get a good nights sleep." Chihiro frowned.

"Why did that happen?" she asked suddenly curious. "Why did you dream of me? Why did I dream of the bathhouse?" he shook his head setting the green highlights in his hair shimmering.

"I don't know, maybe it was because of Zeniba's gift to you, maybe it was..." He paused, struggling. "Maybe it was...something else entirely; I wish I had the answers for you Chihiro." She looked closely at his face; he seemed to have difficulty meeting her gaze. All of a sudden the strong, confident Haku she knew was gone and in his place was someone who was not too sure of himself. It surprised her and she found it charming. Despite his unease, however, she had to know, she had one last burning question to ask before he flew away.

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