...and into the Fire

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After negotiating the many lifts with the help of the Yu-bird, Chihiro came once again to the hallway at the top of the bath house

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After negotiating the many lifts with the help of the Yu-bird, Chihiro came once again to the hallway at the top of the bath house.

"I see Yubaba's tastes have not improved in my absence," she mumbled looking at the huge ornate doors. She took a deep breath and walked towards the doors. The ugly little door knocker glared at her. Chihiro grinned and took great delight in grabbing the knocker and slamming it down hard three times.

"Ooof!" Said the door knocker, but seemed too dazed to make further comment. The doors swung open and the lamps lit the way. Chihiro still hesitated.

"Get a move on!" Snapped the old cracked voice that still made her shudder. Not wanting to be pulled into her office Chihiro marched forwards and the Yu-bird flew off her shoulder.

As she walked through the gaudy rooms she tried to think.

"I will not be intimidated by her," she thought to herself. "She is afraid of Haku, maybe I can use that. Also her baby and her sister like me, or did. I have to find out what she has done with Linca and to do that I can't be turned into a pig."

With that, she straightened her back and raised her chin.

"I'm a great actress, I've had to be, she will never know I'm terrified of her." She walked into the study. If anything it was even more tastelessly decorated than she remembered with more clashing colours, more silks, satins and leathers. The combination made her head spin a bit. Yubaba was writing, the green heads bounded over to her and attempted to trip her up. She kicked out viciously at them, her foot not actually hitting them but the show of bravado sent them scattering.

She looked up, Yubaba's large over made up face was watching her, eyebrows raised.

"It's show time," she muttered.

"Yubaba!" she cried in a happy voice. "How nice to see you again!" Chihiro sat opposite Yubaba in a red leather chair in front of the witch's desk. She was perfectly aware she had not been invited to do so. Yubaba's eyes narrowed.

"So you are back," Chihiro nodded leaning back in the chair. "I suppose you want a job."

"No actually I don't," replied Chihiro and lent forward again and helped herself to the bowl of sweets on the desk.

"What! no tricks, no begging, no sneakiness?"

"No," replied Chihiro folding her arms and crossing her legs. Yubaba seemed genuinely surprised.

"You actually mean you are going to sit back and let me do what I like with you? Change you into a pig even?"

Chihiro looked up from examining her nails.

"Well, you could try." Yubaba looked livid.

"You insolent little leech! Do you have any idea with what you are dealing with!"

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