A Dragon's Dilemma

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(Art credit- Daishar) 

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(Art credit- Daishar) 

Chihiro opened her eyes. The ceiling sparkled, making her remember where she was. The room was round, like a bubble in the rock, except for the flat floor. A green glow permeated the white linen drapes, luxurious rugs covered the floor. There was a huge dark lacquered wardrobe across from her and a polished copper mirror next to it.

The bed she was in was huge and comfortable but quite low to the ground. The blankets she suspected were cashmere or the spirit world equivalent. Again it struck her that Haku must have a lot of money stashed somewhere. She tried to sit up, wanting to see more of the room. 

"Please," said a crisp voice. "Don't get up, you are ill. My master will attend to you once he has recovered from your rescue." Chihiro saw a small furry spirit at her bedside. It looked like a cat had decided to walk upright. She had ginger fur, almond-shaped yellow eyes with a slash of black for the pupil and triangular ears on top of her head. Her hands were furry too with sharp nails. She was wearing a serviceable kimono made of a cotton-like fabric. The rest of her looked relatively human.

"Satisfied your curiosity?" said the spirit woman coldly.

"I'm... sorry," she stammered. "I meant no offence."

"No humans never do, but they always end up hurting us." Chihiro was shocked by the open hostility. Haku had told her of the prejudice against Humans, but she had never thought to experience it while in his care.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could think of saying, after all, she was on the verge of septicaemia. Not the best condition to be in to think of a cutting rejoinder.

"It's all very well being sorry," spat the cat. "You have no idea what we suffer at human hands! Look at what happened to my master. He lost nearly all his power and had to suffer the pain of separation for years. No mortal can understand such things! Why he takes care of you now I don't know. In my opinion, you should go back to where you came from. Stop burdening him with your selfish demands. He has nearly drained himself completely for your benefit! If your cruel human heart had any regard for him at all, you would leave."

Chihiro decided she was not sick enough to take comments like that without saying something. She felt bad about what humans did to the spirit world, but she had had enough bad experiences in her life to recognise when she was being bullied. The bile rose in her throat. She would never be told what to think or feel again, NEVER!

"You are here no doubt by Haku's kindness also. How do you think he would react to having you talk like this to a guest in his household?" Meeka's ears flattened in anger. She narrowed her eyes and hissed exposing some vicious looking fangs. Chihiro ignored her and continued.

"I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself before they get you into trouble." Chihiro smiled sweetly. "I may be human and you may hate me, but I'm sure you can be civil to me if you care to try. I gave your master back his name and his life; we humans are not all bad. If you get to know me a bit better maybe I can prove it to you. But whether you hate me or not, I'm here to stay so I suggest you get used to it."

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