Past the Point of No Return

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Chihiro managed to get her trembling under control as they entered the main hall of the temple

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Chihiro managed to get her trembling under control as they entered the main hall of the temple. The vaulted ceiling of red stained teak beams was a good fifteen feet above her. The floor was dolomite, a black rock that sparkled with quartz crystals; it was a bit like the stone Haku's home was built with. People where seating themselves on the numerous low wooden benches set parallel to an altar. The altar at the end of the huge hall was a living cherry tree, squashed down and parted in the middle so there was a flat surface, the branches grew from the sides of the squat trunk, they were covered in white blossom and the floral aroma filled the hall. 

"It looks like someone has trained a full grown tree as a bizarre bonsai." Whispered Linca.

"It's beautiful," Chihiro murmured.

The interested parties moved to the altar. They all knelt before it, on rush mats provided for that purpose.

"Bow your head." Hissed Haku to Chihiro out the side of his mouth.

"Why?" She replied frowning, "These are not my Gods." Chihiro, who had been raised with no religion, felt stupid abasing herself.

"True," he replied, "but they are deities and they will decide your fate. I think showing respect is wise."

"Good point." Mumbled Chihiro and dropped her chin so fast she made her neck joints crack in protest. The room turned dark for a moment and Chihiro felt the magic crackle around her, to her surprise she could actually see it. It looked like a bluish haze around her knees. She smiled at this discovery, despite her fear. The Tac'Tal felt warm against her skin.

Chihiro nearly fainted when a pair of small, delicate blue hands took hers and pulled her to her feet. She looked up into a blue-skinned, heart-shaped face, with curious violet eyes, framed by black wavy hair. The unofficial Goddess of all the spirits smiled at Chihiro.

"No need to kneel dear, it must be unnatural for you, we are not your gods." Chimed the Ladies bell-like voice. Chihiro could not speak; the Lady was the most beautiful thing she had ever beheld. She was human looking, apart from her sapphire skin. Her hair trailed to the floor and fanned out behind her like a black waterfall. Her violet eyes were wide and almond shaped, her lips were dark and full. Her white dress showed her figure to advantage, it was cut very low and slashed up the sides to show as much blue thigh as possible. It also stretched tightly over her heavily pregnant stomach. It had never occurred to Chihiro that spirits could actually carry children in a human way. A dazzling smile spread across the ladies face. "You would think that after my gift to you, you would have something to say to me." Chihiro paled.

"I think she is teasing me!" Her shocked brain could not comprehend that.

"Stop that! You know the poor mortal must be terrified." Chihiro turned to see a tall muscular man standing by the altar. He was bare-chested and wearing a pair of loose trousers made of a white material that shimmered. His feet were bare like the Ladies but his skin was a terracotta colour. His eyes that watched Chihiro closely were completely black. His hair was white, short and spiky, his face was chiselled and masculine, but quite beautiful. The two were technicolour negatives of each other. The Lady pulled a face at the stern Lord.

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