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Chihiro awoke in the middle of the night, it was pitch black

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Chihiro awoke in the middle of the night, it was pitch black. She was frightened and for a moment could not remember where she was.

"Haku?" She whispered, "Haku are you awake?"

"Yes?" came the reply. Pain stabbed in her head and nausea twisted her stomach.

"Haku" She breathed, I'm... I don't feel good." A dull orb of light glowed near the futon the dragon lay on. He rose and walked over to her, the dim orb following like a willow-the-wisp.

"I'm not surprised, with the amount you have drunk." He gave a low chuckle.

"I know," she whispered squinting at him, "it was stupid, I'm not a student anymore. If I'm going to adapt to life here, I need to grow up a bit." The bed sunk a little as he perched on it.

"Well we all make mistakes," he said placing a cool hand on her forehead. Chihiro's stomach twisted, and she winced. Haku smiled and helped her sit up. A bowl appeared in her lap she needed no explanation for what that was for.

"Yes but I seem to make a great number of mistakes." She mumbled, her stomach rolled, she groaned and grabbed the bowl. He held her hair back and spoke to her in a soothing voice. When it was over, he wiped her face with a hot cloth and gave her water to clean her mouth out with. The vomit in the bowl disappeared. He sat back and swung his legs up onto the bed; he knew Chihiro was not finished so he may as well get comfortable. Chihiro also sat back and moaned again, her stomach let her know it had not finished making her pay for her abuse of it. Haku slipped an arm around her shoulders.

"I knew that one day I would have you moaning in my bed." He chuckled trying to cheer her up. But Chihiro's sense of humour seemed to have disappeared with the three bars of chocolate that her stomach had rejected. All she wanted was to be comforted. She rested her head on his shoulder; he slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She nuzzled into his chest and sighed; she could hear his heartbeat, slow and even. It soothed her.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked, "you were furious earlier."

"I'm astonished you remember," He smiled down at her, enjoying her closeness.

"As if you have never done anything you regret" She grumbled. She saw his shadowy face change in the half-light. His eyes lost their sparkle.

"Yes, well I have apologies..."

"Save it for the morning." Said Chihiro, "When you have my full attention, then I can concentrate completely on you prostrating yourself before me." She then sat upright and grabbed the bowl being noisily sick.

Haku looked after her all night. When she dozed off still cuddled into him, he gently lifted her up and with a little subtly applied magic tucked her back in the bed. He retreated to the futon. Somehow seeing her be sick five times had cooled his ardour somewhat, and he managed to get a few hours sleep.

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