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i was tagged in this thing (and cause i'm a dick i'm putting it on this story lol) thanks for tagging me!! Lorkie3

1. that is a mystery

2. my zodiac cancer (yes i'm emotional)

3. lost_then_found is my best friend. currently sitting next to her, love you b

4. i feel sad

5. single but head over heels in love

6. fav movies are any marvel, star wars, or maze runner movie (i can't choose!)

7. i am 5"11

8. girls/girls/boys by panic! at the disco

9. three things i love are movies, bagels, and castiel from supernatural

10. three things that upset me are fake friends, vegetables, and boys

11. three things that make me happy are misha collins, misha collins, and misha collins

12. my favorite food is a nice cheeseburger

13. my celeb crushes are (there's soooooo many but here's my top) jensen ackles, misha collins, dylan o'brien, chris evans, and thomas sangster

14. i have 2 piercings and am getting tatted soon

15. turn ons: humor and nice hands

16. turn offs: smokes/drinks (a lot) and is disrespectful

17. happy endings over scary movies any day

18. computer over television because netflix

19. i don't wear perfume lol

20. last time i cried was 10 minuets ago lol

21. i tried to cook once...there was tears...and blood

22. je parle français!!

23. i miss this boy

24. fav show of all time is SUPERNATURAL

25. i just wanna say thank to everyone for reading my stories! i've gotten so much support lately and i really appreciate it! i love you all!!!

i tag:

(these are some people who always comment and are so sweet!)

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