chapter twelve

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"Where were you yesterday? And what happened to you after the whole "incident" at the party?" I hadn't talked to Ned since everything had happened.

"Sorry, Ned, everything just got so crazy, I forgot to call you. My dad picked me up after the party, and yesterday, I just wasn't feeling good."

"Well you left me hanging all by myself, man. Not cool." I knew I had to tell Ned my secret. He deserved to know.

"You know you're right, Ned. Tell you what, after school, come home with me. I've got something to show you."


"Hey Pops, I brought Ned home with me, I hope that's okay."

"Sure! How are you, Ned?" Even though Ned and I had been friends for years, he was still amazed by the fact that my dads were Avengers.

"H-hi Captain A-america." He was starstruck.

"Please, call me Steve."

"Steeeeeve," he squealed. I was on the floor laughing. "Ah, come on Ned."

I closed the door behind me, and locked it shut. "Okay, you need to super best friend promise me you will not tell this to anybody, as long as we both shall live, you understand me?"

"Oh, I won't tell anybody." I took a deep breath and shot my web at the wall.

It took him a moment but then, "YOU'RE THE SPIDERMAN!"

"Shhhh, Ned, keep it down," I said covering his mouth.

"Wait, your dads don't know?"

"No they don't, and we have to keep it that way."

"This is amazing, my best friend is the spiderman. You're like a freaking superhero."

"Yes, I know, but Ned, we've got a problem. So there's these guys that are planning an attack on my dad, and I need to stop them."

"Well, what's the plan?"

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