chapter seven

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Since I couldn't drive yet, Dad had to take us to the party. "You can just stop here," I said, about two blocks from the party.

"But we're not even there yet." I wasn't sure how to tell him I didn't want people to see me getting dropped off by my dad in his Audi R8. "We're good," is all I could manage.

"Okay, just call me when you need me to pick you up. And call me if anything happens, okay?"

"Okay, Dad. We'll see you later."

After our two block walk, we finally arrived at the party. It was just as I expected. Loud music, red cups everywhere, that one couple making out on the couch. "Hey, guys! Glad you could make it!" It was Flash.

"Thank for having us." He handed me a cup filled with something that smelled awful. "Stick around, the fun doesn't begin till later." He winked and walked away.

"So what do we do now?" asked Ned. I wasn't really sure. I had never been to a party before, only seen them in movies and on TV. "Wanna dance?"

We walked over to the pit of people "dancing." I danced a little, but mostly laughed at Ned making a fool of himself. Suddenly, the music was interrupted by Flash speaking into a microphone. "Can I have everyone's attention."

The crowd quieted down. "I just wanna say thanks to everyone who came out tonight. And I want to give a special shoutout to our celebrity guest. Let's here it for Peter!" Something didn't feel right. I didn't like where this was going.

"You guys all know Peter right? Son of the Captain America and Iron Man. Peter, come on up here." Two guys picked me up from behind and carried me onto the stage.

"So, I'm assuming you can fight, right? I mean your dads are the greatest super heroes in the world."

"Flash, stop this," I mumbled.

"Oh, come on Peter show us what you're made of," he said, teasing me.

Then suddenly, his fist hit my face and I fell to the floor. "Come on Peter." I tried to get up but he tackled me to the ground. The crowd cheered for Flash.

"You know I bet you like this, huh? Me laying on top of you like this?" he said as he pinned me to the floor. "I bet you're a gay fag, just like your dads." I could taste the blood in my mouth. He continued to punch me, harder, and harder, and harder. 

I finally broke free from his grasp, and ran as fast as I could.

I didn't stop running for quite a while. When I couldn't run any longer, I broke down.

"Peter, is everything okay?"

"D-dad, please come f-find me."

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