chapter fourteen

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I wasn't sure how I could ever be spiderman again with Dad and Pops always on my tail. It seemed like my whole life was falling apart.

I sat there starring at the ceiling trying to figure everything out, and then I remembered. The Academic Decathlon was tomorrow. Because of everything that was happening I totally blanked.

It was Nationals and Dad and Pops promised me they'd finally be there.

I decided to forget about everything and hit the books.

Dad and Pops came home late, disappointed they never found the spiderman. "Hey Peter what are you still doing up?"

"Studying. The Academic Decathlon is tomorrow. Remember you promised you'd be there." An anxious look came across Dad's face.

"Peter we-"

"We'll be there," Pops cut him off.



After a whole night of studying I was finally ready to make my dads proud. I got up early, ate a nice breakfast, and was out the door before they were even awake.

I sat at my podium, watching as the crowd filled with parents and spectators. Still no sign of them.

Time was passing quick, and seats were filling up. And yet, they still weren't there. Finally my teacher said, " Alright, let's get started."

"Wait, Sr. I'm still waiting for someone."

"I'm sorry, Peter, but we have to begin."

Of course they didn't show. They never did.

I was so focused on my dads that I struggled answering questions. I was a complete embarrassment.

To my luck, though, we still won the contest. Proud parents ran up to their children, giving them hugs and flowers. I walked home.

I slammed open the door, making it apparent I was home.

"You weren't there," I muttered.

"Aw, bud, I'm so sorry, something came up." Pops tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time.  There's always something more important than me. You're never there. You weren't there when I won the spelling bee, you weren't there when I starred in the play, and you weren't there tonight. I'm your only son, and yet something always comes up. I wish you never adopted me."

I ran to my room and didn't look back.

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