chapter fifteen

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this chapter's dedicated to my dear friend lost_then_found go check out her stuff !!


I was so frustrated with my dads I put on the spidey suit and snuck out again. I was gonna find those bad guys and stop them.

To my luck, I noticed some strange activity going on in an alleyway. I decided to get a closer look.

"One blast of this, and he's finished. Finally he will pay."

This was it. My chance to stop them. I shot my web at the gun and took it. "Mind if I take this?"

"It's that spider kid again! Get him!"

They chased after me for blocks, shooting at me with their weird weapons. When I thought I had outrun them I realized I made a mistake.

They were gone. On their way to Stark Tower.

I quickly turned around, going as fast as I could. But, it was too late. They were already there.


At first it just felt like a big earthquake. Then I realized it was something much worse.

My tower was burned to the ground. I was trapped underneath all the rubble, calling Steve's name.

"Tony, I'm okay. Where's Peter?"

Oh, God. My son.

I tried to get up, but I seemed to be trapped. I wiggles around but it was no use. Suddenly, a man with a gun appeared through the dust.

"Stark. This is the end of the line."

It was hopeless. I knew that was the end.

Until spiderman appeared.

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