chapter three

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hey guyssss so flash is in this chapter but he's gonna be different than in spiderman homecoming (more like the popular jock type)



"Omg I know he's so hot."

"Dude, he just climbed up that building."

"Woah, how does he do that?"

"I wonder who he really is?"

The whole school was buzzing about the latest "Spiderman" video that was released on the internet. It even had Ned excited. "Peter, look at this!"

"I know, Ned, I saw it the first five times you showed me."

Suddenly, few random girls walked up to me. "Hey, Peter! Do your dads know this guy?" Here we go again.

"Yea, do you think he's gonna become an Avenger?" Another girl asked.

"Uh, um, I'm not sure." I wasn't very good at talking to people, let alone pretty girls. Then my heart sunk as I heard a familiar voice.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the son of the two fags. Come on ladies, you really think he would know anything about the Avengers? I mean look at him. I bet the only reason Iron Man and Cap keep this kid around is because it would be bad press if they just, threw him out." The girls giggled and nodded their heads.

"Face it kid, you're in the wrong family. You don't belong." He shoved me to the ground. "You'll never be a hero."

sorry this is super short :/

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