chapter eleven

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I saw a huge explosion coming from the trees, and I followed it. It seemed like two guys were trying to sell weapons to another guy. They were really high tech weapons too.

I listened. "Someday, we're gonna use this stuff to take down Stark, and his fancy tower." Oh, no, not Dad.

They started blowing things up, and I knew I needed to get out of there. I activated my web shooters, and got away.

I knew I needed to warn Dad about this, but I didn't know how. He could not find out that I'm spiderman or he'd kill me! There had to be some other way.


There had been a lot of talk about this "spiderman" kid, recently. He had saved a lot of people around the neighborhood, and had some mildly impressive tech.

"I think we should recruit him," said optimistic Steve. "We can't just recruit anyone to the Avengers, Steve."

"Why not?" Well he had me there. Suddenly, Peter walked into the room. "Oh, Peter, perfect just the kid I wanted to see. Have you heard about this guy?" I said, pointing to the youtube video of spiderman playing.

"Uh, yea. Everyone at school talks about him. But, um, Dad, there's-"

I cut him off, "So, Pops, here thinks we should make him an Avenger? What do you think?" Peter just sat there, starring at the screen.

"Hello? Earth to Peter?"

"Uh, um yea. I guess so. But Dad there's something I really need to talk to you about." He was very jittery. "What's up, bud."

"Well I was just walking around downtown, staying out of trouble of course, and I overheard these guys saying there were gonna, um, blow up this tower."

"Peter, people threaten me and Pops all the time. It comes with the job. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"But, Dad you don't understand."

"Peter, everything's fine, don't worry. Now, Pops and I are very busy right now."


Of course they were busy. They were always busy. Well, if he wasn't going to listen to me then I was just going to have to take matters into my own hands.

hey guyss so in this story there is no vulture they are just a group of guys who are trying to destroy tony stark and the avengers tower !!

i'm sorry - super familyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora