Chapter 18

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I woke to something cold and wet nudging me. I opened my eyes to see stars in the sky, but my vision was blocked by a giant pure blck wolf with piercing blue i eyes. I instantly jumped from my spot on the ground and stood crouching and growling at the intruder.

He growled back at me and i felt my head bow to the power behind his growl, this wolf was an alpha. Wait...and Alpha, piercing green eyes, the black wolf... This was Chase.

WE are soooo kicking his ass! my wolf shouted at me, damn she was pissed.

In the next second i launched forward and i was attacking Chase jaw snapping around his leg and crunching down. Then my wolf suddenyl let go and whimpered. She felt bad for hurting her mate... she just has a short temper.

i heard through my mind link, this wasnt a suggestionn this was an order and i had no choice but to obey.

i felt my bone crunnch and move back intoo place. My senses went back to normal and i looked up to see a pissed off chase with only basketball shorts on. He must have brought them with him. I huddled myself into a ball behind a tree so he wouldnt see me in all my naked glory.

I felt a swoosh of wind go by as a t-shirt was thrown at me. I quickly put it on and stodd to make sure it covered everyything. It went passed my butt so i walked out from behind the tree to face my alp-mate.

"WHAT THE HELL MAGGIE!!"His screams mmade me flinch slightly but i stodd my ground, mainly because i was pissed.

"DONT YOU DARE ASK WHAT THE HELL TO ME YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU DISAPPEARD 4 DAYS AGO, THEN YOU WAKE ME UP AND EXPECT ME NOT TO ATTACK YOU!! SERIOUSLY!! NOT TO MENTION THE FACT  THAT YOU USED YOUR ALPHA TONE ON ME! THAT PISSES ME OFF AND YOU KNOW IT! IF YOU EVER USE THAT VOICE ON ME AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL REGRET IT!!" I sounded so powerfull as the words slipped passed my lips. I hated it when people bossed me around and i may be healing from being broken but im not helpless anymiore.

I watched as his eyes flashed into an angry black and for a second i sweaar i saw lust in his eyes. But it was quickly gone because he started shouting.

"IS THAT A THREAT!!? DO YOU DARE THREATEN YOUR ALPHA AND MATE!?" He stepped closer to me an it was obvious he was trying to intimidate me.

"Whatever ass wipe." i growled lowly at him and i watched as his wolf came to the surface and was staring into my eyes.

My wolf was trying to get me to let her come to the surface so she could comfort him but i held her back. NO way was i backing down. I stared straight at his wolf for what seemed liek forever before he spoke.

"DROP YOUR EYES!" The command forced me to and i stepped back and held ontol the tree behind me. Staring down an alpha is very tiring and then at the same time your trying to keep your wolf at bay its stressfull.

i looked back up to chase to see his wolf was gone again and in his place stood a still angry looking chase.

"I'm going home don't follow me." When i spoke the words came out strained and weak. I turned and started the long walk back home. I knew chase was going to let me go. He knew i needed time alone.

Once i made it back home I noticed a light on in the den and my mom was sitting with her head in her hands. I made my way up the front door and walked in. Her head shot up and i saw the strain in her features, she was worried sick about me.

"Im sorry mom, i went for a run and went to the orchird Dad used to take us to when i was little. i layed down and accidently fell asleep." i said before she could get a word out, i thought she would start yelling but instead she came up to me and wrapped her arms around my small frame.

"It's alright sweety. Im not mad, but next time can you at least tell me you are leaving?" she asked.

I just nodded my head and pulled away from the hug and walked up to my room. The events of the day had taken it out of me, so i ended up going to sleep in my clothes.


When i woke up the next morning i smelled pancakes and i felt myself smile as i sat up i bed. I looked down to see the clothes i was wearing got up to get changed before breakfst. I grabbed my teal booty shorts, a sports bra and a super thin tank top over it. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and practically fell downstairs a huge grin on my face.

When i was near the kitchen i heard my mom talking to someone.

"So you are Maggies boyfriend? I could have sworn the guy the fixed our relationship was her boyfriend. Expecially by the way he held her and talked about her...." she was cut off by a low growl.

Yup that is definetly Chase.

I walked into the room and over to my mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek and shot Chase a glare.

"SO mommy whats for breakfast im starrved!!" I said licking my lips and hopping ub onto the counter.

"Your fathers famous pancakes, bacon, egg and my syrup." She said and i watched as she got wtery eyed as she talked about my dad.

I quickly walked to her and wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. "I love you mommy thank you for breakfast!" I said and pulled away from our embrace.

I turned towards Chase and raised an eyebrow, "Why are you here?" I asked scowling.

My mom turned to me and quickly said,"Be nice too your boyfriend honey! I like him much better than your last boyfriend although i do wish you had gotten together with the gentleman who seemed to be desperately in love with you," she turned to chase and quick;y added," NO offense.

I giggled and chase glared at both of us.

"Who was this gentleman?" Chase asked my mother.

she looked practically giddy to be having a conversation about Ranger again. "Well i will tell you he a strange namw really, it was something like no thats not right....rider....roger...rage....RANGER!!! Thats it his name was ranger! Do you know him?" My mother said.

Chase gripped his coffe cup so hard it shattered in his hand,"Yes ma'm i have had the onfortunete pleasure of being his friend.

I quickly pulled chase away and told my mom i was going to clean him up.

"What the hell? you know what i really just want to know why you disappered for 4 days so start there!" I said as i started picking glass out of his hand.

"Well... there was an attack........"






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