Chapter 1

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I took a deep breathe as i pushed through the large revolving door that would take me to where my brother was waiting patiently for me.

4 years, I haven't seen his smiling face in 4 years.

My heart started pounding against my chest, I've waited so long to see him, I just wish it was under better circumstances.

I glance around the large room to see families hugging eachother and smiling to see their loved ones return. My heart swells as my eyes moved rapidly trying to find him. I looked towards the entrance and finally spot him. He is at least 6'2' brown hair and blue eyes just like me. when we stand next to each other there is an obvious resemblance.

My legs begin to move on their own and I'm suddenly standing with him my arms wrapped around his neck as he places his strong muscular arms around my thin waist. I've missed him so much.

"Maggie!!God i have missed you! how are you?" he asked, but I remained silent. I don't talk anymore. My mouth stays shut unless I have been drinking. Alcohol always has a way of bringing out my voice whether I want it to or not. It's the only time I ever return to the person I once was, the person before before everything happened, and before my dad died.

But Jake doesn't know about Dad. He moved away 4 years ago to start a new life for himself. You see we are both werewolves from my dads side of the family. For some unknown reason my father didn't receive the gene so he was banished from his pack once he turned 18. When he met my mother he never told her so when my brother turned 13 and shifted for the first time my dad kept the secret from her. I mean how do you go about having that conversation.

"Oh yeah our son and possibly our daughter are werewolves surprise!"

Yeah I don't think so.

Besides humans aren't suppose to know about us, in fact the only reason my father was allowed to know was because he was born into it. I didn't even know about my brother until after I turned for the first time, but my brother doesn't know. I am a white wolf, pure white. Someone who is very rare. My father thought it would be dangerous to talk about it so I reminded in the shadows keeping my wolf hidden and that part of my life a secret. But in all honestly I wish I could tell my brother. He's always been able to understand me better than anyone and I hate keeping things from him.

"Maggie! whats wrong? why wont you talk to me?" he asked as I was pulled from my thoughts and i saw the concern seep its way into his ocean blue eyes. I couldn't be the reason for that look to be on his face. So I broke every rule I had created and smiled.
"Im fine just tired." I shook my head and looked at the ground, i didn't talk much because i was never good at keeping secrets and i didn't want Jake to look at me with the same sympathy everyone else looked at me with... i just wouldn't be able to face him.
Jake dropped the subject promising to bring it up again later and started towards the car.
I looked up just in time to see what car i was getting into a black Chevy truck the same one Rick had.
< "hey you get in the goddamn truck you stupid slut! i saw you with that guy don't think you can fool me!" he said and i didn't respond just quickened me pace. i knew he was going to be angry with me but i didn't care i hadn't cared about the abuse hes shown me for a really long time!
Then i felt it, the metal coming in contact with my skull making me feel pain everywhere. it didn't last long because i passed out right there in the street and wasn't found for 3 days.>

I shook my head away from the memory and moved towards the truck and got in facing away from Jake and out the window.

"Hows mom and dad? mom emails sometimes but i haven't heard from dad in 6 months is he alright?" I take a minute to look at him before responding.

" yeah um moms good you know besides kicking me to the curb," I laughed a smal laugh," and um dad he's, a whole other story."

He glances at me briefly before turning back to road and I sigh in relief.

I know he deserves to know but mom asked me not to and I've betrayed her in every other way possible I just don't know how I could betray her again.

I look out the window as we pass by the rows of houses leading down a long street. A family is sitting in their front yard. The father is playing basketball with his son while the mother and daughter are hosting a tea party on a large quilt layed across the grass. My heart melts at the scene. I remember when things use to be like that for us. As I'm once again pulled from my thoughts I notice we've pulled up in front of a large mansion.

I jolt my head around to my brother. "This is where you live?"

H let's out a chuckle before removing his keys from the ignition, "sure is little sis now let's get you inside"

I moved slowly from the car as Jake grabs my luggage from the back.

"That's alright I got it." He says as he grabs all four suitcases.

We make our way to the front and push our way through the grand front doors.

As I walked away from him I took a deep breathe. It's hard adjusting from not talking like ever and suddenly speaking again. But if I want a fresh start I can't let my past
hold me back.

"Right um the guys are in the basement aka the game room." he said pointing towards the stair that lead downward.

"And your room is up stairs third door on your right!" he yelled as he headed down stairs. i grabbed my luggage and made my way to my new room.
My room was painted grey with purple accents all over the wall and a purple bed spread i loved it!!! And to make it better i have a balcony that had a great view of the pool!
And since its like 500 in California i decided to go for a swim.
I quickly unpacked my black bikini that showed off my c cup breasts and nice curves i pulled my waist length hair into a messy bun grabbed my sunglasses and phone then headed down.
As i was walking i ran into someone. i looked up to see a boy about my age with piercing green eyes dark brown hair and obviously the most amazing muscles I've ever seen! and he had a shirt on! I looked back up at his face to see him staring at my boobs.
"Eyes up here buddy!" i said forcefully and made my way past him.
I got at least 4 steps down when he grabbed my arm and turned me around and i ignored the sparks that were running up and down my arm, "who's toy are you? because i know you aren't Jake's and you aren't mine and certainly not Jacobs." he was accusing me of being one if the sluts they obviously always have around.
" I'm Maggie Jake's sister i live here! Now who are you?" i ask irritated
"Right Chase let go of me I'm going outside to tan!" and with that he released my arm and i made my way to the pool.
Besides Jake that was the first time a guy had touched me and i hadn't flinched away.

My brain was swimming as I lay out on the side of the pool. The sun was beating down on me and it felt great.

I had my eyes closed when I suddenly felt cold water being dumped all over me. 

"What the fuck!!" I screamed sitting straight up to see two guys around my age laughing their asses off.


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