Chapter 6

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When i woke up the next morning i could feel my heart tear into a million pieces instantly... i had to face Chase today and i dont know if i can.

I got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom.

Around the rim of my eyes were this red and purple puffiness and my face was flushed.

I decided not to bother with it because the guys already knew what had happened they are werewolves.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs to get some coffee.

When i entered the kitchen i walked into see a girl in just a shirt searching for something.

"Hey sorry which cabinet is the cereal in? Chase wanted me to get him something." she sled me.

My heart broke even more at her words but i had learned to hide me emotions well. just like my scars and bruises.

"Um.. yeah third cabinet on your left." i said walking over to the table and grabbing my brothers car keys.

I turned around to the short blonde girl. " hey could you tell jake and the other guys i went out for a bit and will be back when i can."

"Yeah of course!!" she said enthusiastically.

With that i walked out of the house and out to the car, my phone in my back pocket.

Then i started driving.

'How could you reject our mate!?' sarah asked me.

' I cant get hurt again, please dont turn against me too. not after my mom did, and my friends did and everyone else in my life if you turn against me i will die.' I said a tear seeping out of my eye.

'On one condition.' she said,' let me run.'

When she said this i stopped my car and let her out.

I was running for over 6 hours before my energy was wasted and realized where i was.

I was back home.


I slowly made my way back towards my house shifting back into human form and grabbing old clothes from a log i had outside my house.

I went up to the door and knocked.

The next thin i knew my mom was at the door just staring at me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with a blank expression.

"I missed you." i said looking down.

"Im sure you did, did you already go through all the guys there and decided to come back to me because now you realize i exist." she asked pain filling her voice.

"Mom... im sorry for everything i did. i didnt mean to get pregnant. i swear i didnt. sorry." tears clouded my vision.

"Get off my property." she said and slammed the door in my face.

I walked off the porch and back out into the woods.

I shifted back into my wolf and started my long way back to the truck.


After maggie rejected me my wolf started mourning but i was angry... angry and hurt.

I quickly went out to a bar and got a girl back to my place in record time.

The rest if the night was a blur and the next thing i knew a girl was kissing me awake.

My first reaction was that it was Maggie and when i realized it wasn't i instantly sent the girl to get me some cereal.

I heard a knock at the door it wasn't the blonde girl it was jake and he looked paniced.

"What!" i asked getting out if bed and grabbing my clothes and racing to the door.

"Its maggie she took my car and went out i dont know where she is!" he said and ran back downstairs.

I ran after him grabbing my keys and following him.

We found jakes car a little what down the road and decided to wait there thinking she went out on a run.

Nearly 12 hours later there was her pry white wolf trotting up to us.


When i finally made it back to my truck i smelt them before i saw them.

Jake and chase.

I shifted back to my human and had jake toss me clothes.

I walked out from behind the tree to face them.

"Whats up guys?" i asked casually.

"Really! thats what you have to ask!? whats up! we have been worried sick about you!" jake replied angrily.

"Yeah!? well i told the slut to tell you i would be back later so back off me! You arent my dad!!" i said in an almost screaming voice.

"Your one to talk. you sleep around all the time!!" jake shouted at me. " YOU REJECTED YOUR MATE SO YOU COULD SCREW AROUND!"

I could feel my eyes try to build up tears but instead i but on a blake emotionless face.

"Yeah? thats why i rejected him?" i said and have a dry laugh," if you knew the real reason you would flip." i said quietly

"Why did you do that?" Chase spoke up. i turned to him.

"Do what?" i asked

"Take all the emotions from your face? i know what he said hurt you." he said looking at me with so much love and concern.

I turned away from him," yeah well i have heard worst, besides he wasn't wrong i have slept around just probably not for the same reasons as her."

I started walking away again and this time chase let me.




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