Chapter 13

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When we got back from the run everyone looked better and not so murderous. i could tell Jake was especially struggling with what he had heard but i knew he would controll himself.

And as happy as i was that no one was going to kill one another, i felt lonely and depressed. My heart had been breaking a apart for years and now im not even sure if i have one anymore its so shattered.

I want to say i trust too easily but i think my real problem is, i trust the people who hurt me and dont trust the people who will protect me.

I watched as the guy streamed into the house and went straight to the kitchen to eat something. i slipped past then and made my way up the stair instead.

I was only wearing a t-shirt and decided i should just change into a different one.

I slipped out of my brother shirt and pulled on some underwear before a rope and walking across the hall to the twins room.

I pulled out one of their shirts and swiftly pulled it over my head before walking back to my own room.

It smelt of Carson and i loved it because he made me feel safe. i curled up into a ball on my bed and before i knew it my eyes were closed and darkness was consuming me.

I woke up to hear a heated conversation going on downstairs. or was light out so i figured i had only taken about an hour nap.

I got out of bed and pulled my hair into a messy bun before walking downstairs.

When i got to the bottom i recognized the voices as Conner Carson Jake and Chase.

"You hurt her!" Jake argued.

"I didnt mean to! She hurt me!!" Chase spat back.

They were argueing about me. i walked around the corner of my hiding place and into the living room.

When i walked in all eyes turned to me. Jakes face was full of concern, Conner and Carson's were full of surprise and Chases was full of rage.

"You smell like him!" Chase growled lowly.

I suddenly remembered i was wearing Carson's shirt and i let a small smile slip into my face.

He actually smells like really good.

"When did you get that?" carson asked me.

I snapped my eyes over to him and responded," oh im sorry, after the run last night i needed a new shirt to put on and so went to get your because... well 1) i wanted you or conners 2) i needed some kind of comfort and since i didnt want to bother you so i just took one of your shirts. i hope you dont mind i can give it back."

Carson walked over to me and wrapped me into his arms and even though i heard threatening growls from

"Dont you ever think i wont come and listen! i will stop whatever I'm doing and come running!" he said into my ear but the rest of the room could hear what he said.

"Thank you." was all i could manage to say.

"What going on in here?" I heard ben ask walking into the room.

I let go of Chase to face him.

"Oh hey Ben!" i said trying to sound happy but it came out as more of a choking.

"Oh hey Mags you are look good today! No laying in the wo-" he started to say but i cut him off with a growl.

His eyes filled with confusion for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment.

"So!" i clapped my hands," shall we eat dinner im starving."

Everyone just looked at my like i was crazy.

"You mean lunch?" Ben asked me.

"I slept that long!! i was like just 4 o'clock!" i said on awe.

Everyone around the room chuckled and my stomach growled.

We all walked into the kitchen and i told jake to make me a sandwich, which he grudgingly agreed to.

Somehow everyone convinced jake to make their lunch and we were all sitting around the table. Parker and Jacob were awake now and at the table.

Once again there wasn't a seat for me so i walked over to Conner and plopped down on his lap.

"Hey! why not me!" i heard carson complain.

"Because im wearing your shirts!" i argued back sticking my tongue out at him.

Then the next thing i knew i was being lifted of of Conners lap and brought onto someone else's.

I turned my head to see a grinning Ben. "hey! i figured everytime we see eachother i end up carrying you anyway!" he said and then added in a little wink.

I heard a loud growl from across the table. WILL HE SHUT UP!!

i stood up off of Bens lap to face Chase," you have no right to be angry with me! you had sex with another girl! and then you growl at me for sitting on another guys lap! he is my friend! so either you get over it or im leaving!" i said before sitting back down.

After lunch i went upstairs to get changed when i saw i had a new text message.

'Hey Maggie. I'm sorry and i want things to work. for us and im sorry about our baby. meet me?"





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