Chapter 17

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It had been a few weeks since the accident and i was talking to my mom regularly. She had asked me to move back in, well she begged really and how could i say no.

Today was moving day. I looked around at all the guys who had become my family in just a few weeks. I barely talked to them sometimes but they were still family to me.

I walked over to parker first. "Thanks for being so caring! i will miss having someone like you around." i said and punched him playfully on the shoulder.

Then i turned to Ranger, "Thanks for being a cocky arrogant ass you always made me want to scream." he scowled at me but hugged me none the less.

The twins didnt even let me speak before the pulled me into a big hug. JAcob was less than emotional but thats okay i knew he would miss me.

Jake had already said his goodbye and just gave me a quick hug. The only person i needed to say goodbye to wasnt even there.

When i had announced i was moving back in with my mom chase had run off into the woods and never came back. That was 4 days ago.

I let my head hang low as i walked to my new car and got into the drivers seat. A tear slipped down my face as i started the engine and pulled away from the house.

This wasnt happening he couldnt judt be done with me. He is my mate i thought he would want to say goodbye!! I deserve a goodbye!! Then befor ei knew it i was in front of my mo- my house and my mom was greeting me.

"HI sweetheart!! Lets get you all nice and settled in shall we?" Her excitement oozed out of her and it almost made me want to barf.

I grabbed my bags and solemnly drug them up the stairs my heart aching. When i opened the door to my bedroom emotions flooded through me.

It looked exactly the same, there was a broken mirror sitting on the vanity (i guess my 7 years bad luck had begun already) My desk was cluttered with forgotten homework, I had an ultrasound of my baby on a board the was covered in pictured of my and my friends and my dad and brother with my mom. I felt a steady river of tears cascade down my face.

I just couldnt do this right now. I ran out the back door and shifted into my white wolf. My senses hightened as i did so and my wolf howled with joy to be set free.

thank you so much i get so chlaustrophobic sometimes" she told me and even though she was happy to be out i felt the pain of chase not saying goodbye radiating off of her.

I ran through the woods and made my way to a small clearing i used to go to with my family when i was super little. My dad used to put me on his shoulders so i could reach the apples on the appl tree that was growing in the middle. That tree had the bestasting apples!! This is the first time i have been back here since his death.

The tree that used to be so fulll and beautiful was wilting with the anticipation of death. My dad used to say it was connected to my family and when we were sad so was the tree. I used to think he said that just so i would always be happy for the trees sake, but maybe it was true.

i went up on my hind legs and nudged the trees branches with my nose and rubbed my fur against the bark. The tree seemed to respond instantly becasue in a matter of seconds it was back to the way it used to be. Maybe it didnt thrive on happiness. Maybe it lived off of love and since no one had come to show it any it was dying.

JUst like i was before i went to live with my brother. I lay down in the grass and watched as the clouds in the sky went by.

Before i knew it i was asleep and dreaming of chase.






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