Chapter 25: Some Feeling Maybe?

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[AN: So the predominant question from everyone in the last chapter was what did my character (Nora) do to Louis? Y’all are so protective of him it is so cute. Well there was that question and Jericho demanding an Annie chapter which is not this chapter, but soon I swear. The Annie/Zayn storyline is VERY specific so other stuff has to happen first. Enjoy the adorableness that is Niall for now.]


“No Ammie!” Carrie shouted as she pulled another bag of cookies from Ammie’s hands. “You have already had like seventeen! Not to mention that Coke you drank three minutes ago! It’s past midnight! You don’t need any more sugar!”

“God Carrie, stop acting like my mom! You know that small amount of sugar won’t even make dent in me. Now give back the cookies!” Ammie demanded. I couldn’t help but snicker as Carrie shook her head no holding the cookies out of her reach. Ammie began to crawl up her friend like a monkey for the cookies. This girl was adorable.

“I think Nialler has a little crush,” Harry cooed in my ear as I swatted him away. “You were talking about Ammie onstage weren’t you?”

“It’s not any of your business,” I shot back feeling my temper rise. My love life is my busness.

“You should be thanking me and the lads for covering for you when you ran offstage tonight.” I knew he was right, but I watched the girls ignoring him anyway. “And you should thank me for demanding that the girls spend the night here on the couch in our room instead of going home tonight.”

“You know Nora is going to freak if she finds out they are staying in our room with us,” I said softly. “I’m surprised she didn’t freak out when she heard you invite Carrie and Ammie to stay in our suite.” That’s right. Harry and I were sharing a suite.

The other boys had insisted on their own rooms for some reason. Naturally the girls got their own suite. Lou got his own room because no one wanted to be subjected to his mess. [AN: Lame reason. I know…] Liam got his own room because, well, he wanted privacy with his girlfriend. We all told Nora it was because Liam assigned the rooms in the first place. No need to poke the bear. The only one that I was still wondering about was Zayn. Normally he had no problem sharing a room, but he had thrown an unnatural hissy fit when asked to share. Harry and I didn’t want to have the fight so we both agreed to share a room. Besides, they were all suites so it’s not like we were crammed together. Our suite had two separate bedrooms, a large bathroom, and a kitchen with an attached living space.

Nora had even made the comment that the suites were larger than their apartment back home. Stop it Niall. Stop thinking about Nora. You are supposed to be getting over her. There are plenty of girls who want you that aren’t Nora. So why did I always find myself comparing them to her? It was stupid. Once she got over David she was sure to end up with Louis. They were a perfect match.

“I think Nora is a tad distracted with that whole Kate mess,” Carrie said bouncing over to Harry.

“Where did you put the cookies?” Harry asked after kissing her softly. I looked to see that he was right. Carrie was no longer holding the cookies.

“Did Ammie get them from you?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Nope,” Carrie said crossing her arms and winking. “I hid them from her. She will never find them.”

“Where did you hide them Care Bear?” Harry asked. He was instantly interrupted by a scream of triumph as Ammie raced past us from Harry’s room? What the hell was she doing in there?

“You thought I wouldn’t go into Harry’s underwear drawer?” Ammie asked with a laugh holding the cookies. “Please Carrie! I’m a Directioner! That’s like a dream for most of us!”

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