Chapter 16: We Need To Talk Harry

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[AN: This chapter is just awful and posted way later than I meant to. Sorry. :(]

[Harry’s POV]

I stood on the stage listening for my cue as we went through our sound check. I looked over at Carrie who was sitting in the front row of seats next to Nora just glaring at me. I hadn’t meant to offend her. I just wanted to protect Lou.


I keep playin' it inside my head

All that you said to me

I lie awake just to convince myself

This wasn't just a dream


'Cause you were right here


And I should've taken the chance


But I got so scared


And I lost the moment again

Louis walked up next to me his eyes focused on Nora. I sighed.

[Harry and Louis]

It's all that I can think about, oh

You're all that I can think about

My mind was running a mile a minute. I closed my eyes as we all sang the chorus. I know it sounds weird, but I got my best thinking done whenever I was singing. There had to be a way to fix the Louis-Nora problem while getting Carrie to forgive me.


Is your heart taken?

Is there somebody else on your mind?

I looked over at Nora who winced as Louis watched her. I glanced down at the ring on her left hand. There was someone else on her mind all right.

I'm so sorry, I'm so confused

Just tell me, am I out of time?

I looked over at Lou who seemed upset once again. Why does he keep doing this to himself? I have to get her out of here. Nora was slowly breaking his heart again and again.

Is your heart breaking?

How do you feel about me now?

I can't believe I let you walk away

When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

I should, I should ---

There was a loud screech as one of the microphones misfired.

“Sorry! Sorry!” one of the crew guys said as the music stopped. He raced up to the stage grabbing Niall’s microphone, which he gladly handed over. “Take a quick five minute break while we figure out what’s wrong.” We all nodded as the crew started shouting orders and started searching for a new microphone.

“I think I’m deaf in one ear,” Niall joked placing a hand over his right ear. We all chuckled as he then started requesting some kind of snack to ease his pain. That lad is way too focused on food. I looked over at Carrie who was watching me from the corner of her eye. She still looked mad. I had never been one to upset a girl so much. I really couldn’t blame her for getting mad at me though. She was protecting her friend too. I guess I understood where she was coming from as well. I sighed and began to walk over so I could apologize, but I was pulled back by my t-shirt.

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