chapter 39

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that fucking slut. i can't believe she's dragged my sweet little baby ian into this.

frustrated, i pull my yellow oversized hoodie over my head, leaving me in only a sports bra. yeah, im aware i didn't wear a shirt underneath. i huff loudly as i pull another piece of clothing over my head, my PE uniform fitting my torso.

i hate clothes that fit, honestly. i'm a baggy clothes kinda girl ... if you know me.

luckily i'm already in a pair of leggings, so i don't bother changing my pants. combing my hands through my hair i spin around, only to find a clan of girls staring at me.

glittery eyes blink aimlessly, along with perfect smiling teeth. they each giggle.

rolling my eyes, i scoff and head into the gymnasium. fucking ms groves is also my PE teacher as well as my biology, which really shits me. i hate her as both.

"okay, girls. start warming up, you're being assessed today, i hope you know," the woman says through her whiny ass voice.

i roll my eyes at this too.

but, remembering that i can't afford to loose anymore credits if i actually wanna make something of myself in life, i decide to at least stretch out my limbs.

eventually the school's mean girls pile into the gym, each with heavy, heavy makeup. i'm talking about full glam ... the kind you'd wear to the met gala or something.

on the floor, stretching out my legs, i watch them watch me. a brunette continues to laugh as she looks at me and then back to her group, the girls whispering to her.

fucking hell. what now?

"hey new girl," jessica rider waves her fingers at me with a flirtatious grin.

fucking b–

"how's matty?" now she bends down a little, as if she's turning to talk down to me, with a pout this time.

matty? she's doesn't fucking mean–

"i heard you two were a thing," all of a sudden her eyes narrow and she rises again.

"what are you talking about?" i scoff, then standing to my own feet.

"oh, you know exactly what i'm talking about," jessica grins her evil grin again, and her herd of bitches cackle. they walk away.

"okay ladies, can i have your attention please?" the teacher rounds everyone up, and we stand in front of her. "we've got the rope set up..."

i zone out, like i usually do, but this time i direct my attention elsewhere. when i look over my shoulder, jessica and her minions stare straight back at me.

the fuck is their problem? and why all of the sudden the attention?

ms groves voice comes back into focus. "i will be calling you all out in alphabetical order," she looks down at a sheet of paper attached to a clipboard. "lisa cole, you're up first."

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