chapter 8

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just wanna day thanks to those who comment y'all are funny af

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is this guy serious?

i can't help but blush, trying hard to hide my growing smile.

what the fuck, why am i like this?

"is that so?" i choose to respond sarcastically, eyeing the cigarette between his fingers.

he just smirks. and i won't lie, it was fucking hot.

"it's 2:30, whatchu drinking," he nods towards my cup.

i scull down the rest of it. "vodka and cranberry juice ... surprisingly tastes nice."

he chuckles, "could i get you another?"

holy shit, is he tryna flirt?

just as i decide to spark a conversation between us, ian stumbles out the front door, puking millimetres past his feet.

"oh, shit, ian!" i rise from my seat. and so does he.

"fuck, man," matt mumbles.

"fuck, i gotta go," i frown at matt, taking one last draw from my smoke then ditching it to the ground, "i gotta take him home."

"u-uh ... okay," he says, kind of awkwardly. "maybe i'll see you round then?" then he smiles, a sweet smile.

damn, ian. i thought you said he hated everyone.

"maybe ..." i smile back. this time, the smile was natural. i haven't done that around anyone since i got here, i mean, besides ian and the boys.

ian hurls again.

"fuck," i mutter. "ian, wait here, okay?"

quickly, i rush back in side to find ameer. luckily, he's close, still with that brittany chick. damn, he's all over her.

"aye, ameer!" he looks up, confused. "ian's puking his guts out, could i have the keys to your car? are you gonna stay here?" he drunkenly giggles, nodding as he hands me the keys from out his pocket. i guess he and everyone else is gonna crash here.

i thank him, and run back outside. "c'mon, ian," i wrap an arm his side to help him balance.

"wait a second ..." suddenly, i feel the keys get pulled from my hand.

"what the–"

"girl, you're kind of drunk," matt snickers. "there's no way you're gonna go out driving at nearly 3 am." the boy dangles the set of keys teasingly, then jogging down the porch steps.

i just stare. what the hell? i mentally laugh. i don't even know this kid.

matt turns back around when he notices we haven't followed. "well, come on," he laughs, "show me to the car."

well, shit. i'll be damned.

instead of arguing, i end up following him. we make our way down the street, not saying a word. how the fuck am i going to trust this guy?

ian groans as we approach the honda. with the key, matt unlocks it. "alright," i sigh, the amount of alcohol i consumed already causing my head to throb. "lets get you home." using my free arm, i open up the door to the back seat, helping him inside.

i shut the door once he's strapped in. looking across the roof of the car is matt, smiling. not knowing how to react, i nod awkwardly, then get into the passenger seat.

what the fuck am i doing?

"hey, ian, where you live?" he asks once getting into the car.

ian mumbles, "23 bellmoore."

matt laughs through his raspy voice. "you mean  just up the street?"

i can't help but giggle at this too. "oh my god, ian. you lazy fucker." he's drunk, not disabled.

with his wrist against the steering wheel, matt looks over at me for a second.

i feel all strange inside.

smiling to himself, he starts up the car and we soon begin driving down the street. within only a few minutes, we find ian's place, another little suburban house. when the car pulls up in the driveway, i get out to help ian, and so does matt. i kind of just want to handle this on my own, as a way of avoiding any awkwardness, but of course that's never the case.

i end up supporting ian at one side and matt the other. we walk him up to the front door, which is unlocked.

"mm, you guys should be here, my mom gon be fuckin mad just knowing i was out all night. don't wanna get y'all in trouble," ian slurs, chuckling. "go home," he ruffles my hair and i laugh.

"i'll call you," i say and he nods as he goes inside.

and that just leaves matt and i alone together.

"um, i can take the car from here, if you want–"

"hell no, girl. you've been drinking," he jogs back to the car.

at 'girl' my cheeks turn pink.

"and you haven't?"


"lies," i protest jokingly, almost stumbling when try to get to the car.

"woah, you okay?" he says, as if he's concerned?

i nod as i regain myself. probably should avoid hard liquor when on meds.

"quite the opposite, though," matt answers once were both inside. "just didn't feel like it tonight." he looks down at his lap. "uh, i can take care of the car ... it's ameer's isn't it?"

"you know ameer?" i raise my brows. he's friendly with people?

"yeah, we skate together sometimes ... and why you sound so surprised?"

"oh, nothing ..." i laugh nervously, intoxication clear in my voice. i kind of judged this guy based on what ian and the boys have told me about him, that he's hateful and antisocial. so far, he's been nothing but sweet.

he just chuckles at my drunken slur. "let me take you home."

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