chapter 11

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though that introduction probably seemed weird, i feel like it cleared the awkwardness that surrounded us.

"wanna catch up to them?" i ask, not really knowing what else to say.

"sure," she shrugs, her platinum blonde hair bouncing at her shoulders. she stands from her feet, dusting of her jeans. "so, matt. matt champion ..."

"yeah?" i chuckle as we make our way across the grass.

"u-um," she stutters. "uh, how's life?"

"what?" i can't help but laugh.

i look over to see that her face has turned all shade of pink. aw.

"naw, i'm kidding. life's okay, i guess. at least when my parents aren't involved."

mel looks as if she's about to say something, but she stops herself. she was probably going to ask why. and i could've answered for her, as i'm kind of familiar with my family's situation now. but i don't anyway.

"uh, what about you?" i nod.

"um, same, i guess, and with the parents thing. they're the last people i need in my life," she mutters, looking down at her fumbling hands.

i can tell that, from this, the mentioning of parents has reminded her of her own life situation and made her uncomfortable. i can't help but feel bad now. so i choose to lighten the mood instead.

"well, hey," i lightly nudge her arm with my elbow. "at least we've got something in common?"

she just giggles.

which is better than getting emotional.

seeing others emotional, get me emotional, you know? at least seeing her right now would.

pshh, i don't why i've gone all soft. what the fuck.

we eventually make it to the curb, reaching the busy road. from the corner of my eye, i notice that mel slowly keeps going, her next step almost meeting the road. she's lost focus.

"fuck!" dropping my skateboard, i grab her left arm and pull her backwards. she gasps in shock. "jesus, mel."

"wait, what?" she says rushed.

"you almost got yourself killed, girl. were you off with the fairies or something?"

"shit ..." she just giggles, covering her mouth. "probably." her smile fades, but then she's giggles again.

damn. i honestly find that amazing. and ... kind of hot, i won't lie.

don't ask, because i don't know why.

soon enough, we make it inside the convenience store and find ian, merlyn and ameer by the slurpee machine. they each turn to look at us. ian smirks.

punks / matt championNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ