chapter 13

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this can't be fucking happening. that bitch better be fucking joking, otherwise i'm ready to fight.



hey mel heard the news ;)


well get excited bitch

you know what stfu

um that's no way to talk to your bestie

what the fuck is wrong with you
i don't understand why only recently you've decided to start talking to me.
we're not fucking friends anymore, and that's you're fucking fault

ugh whatever u dumb whore i was kidding
why the fuck would i want to be your friend lmao
just having fun messing with you

like you did when you fucked my bf??
fuck you lainey


at the same time matt sends me another message, but i don't open it as, in anger, i shut off my phone at ditch it to the floor. i can't believe that fucking bitch!

it's the same fight all over again. she didn't even have anything to say.

but only remind me off how my ex cheated on me, with her. fuck, it doesn't make sense that we were once friends. obviously not true friends. that girl literally ruined my life in colorado. it was lainey who broke me, not thomas.

sighing, i lay my head down onto my pillow, hugging it tightly. as i begin to drift, i try to sleep off the anger.


"ready, lains?" i shout from my bedroom, slipping on my heels.

"yeah!" she replies. i hear her heel clank from the bathroom to my bedroom. "what do you think?" lainey says excitedly.

"you look hot."

"exactly what i was going for," she grins, flipping the dark curls that had fallen onto her shoulder with the back of her hand.

lainey's always dressing up. whenever she has the opportunity to show a little more skin than usual, she jumps at it. she's often the kind of girl who can dress up for herself, and herself only, which is what i love about my best friend. though, tonight, wearing more makeup than usual, as well as other accessories, i can't help but feel that she's dressed to impress. but i don't say anything.

"you excited to see thomas?"

"yes!" i laugh. he's been away for a week in scotland to visit his family. tonight he's back home.

"okay, lets go."

at the party, i find myself alone and intoxicated after a few hours. lainey's probably ran off with some guy and tommy's still no where to be seen.

standing by the staircase, i notice that i feel kind of dizzy. almost woozy. quickly, deciding to go to the bathroom, i make my way upstairs. i've never been to brittany's house, let alone to i even know her. therefore, i don't know which door leads to the bathroom.

looking to the closest door to me on my right side, of course, i open it.

the drink in my hand falls to the floor immediately, spilling at my feet. it's lainey ... straddling thomas, her face buried into his neck.

"what the fuck?" i scream. i've never felt so sick in my fucking life.

she turns to grin at me, not saying a word. tears begins to form in my eyes. thomas turns to face me with wide eyes. but, i soon realize that his face doesn't resemble his own ... it resembles matt's.

• • •

(which i am)

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