Chapter 13

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After checking me over they sat me up in bed I wanted to know how Zak was but i did not know where him or Aaron was i was worried and i just wanted a hug there hugs made everything better the Porter came in "I've come to take you to get a Xray and also for you to get our scan done on your belly a nurse helped me into a wheelchair and took me to the Xray room a nurse helped me to slowly and carefully take my wrist out of the sling and place it onto the surface "Keep it as still as you can for me please it will only take 10 minutes". It took 20 minutes to do i as they moved my wrist into different positions.

She came back in and slowly helped me to get my arm back into a sling the Porter came back in and took me down the corridor to the scan room he took me in and there was a nurse she helped me get onto the bed and lifted my gown up "This may be cold" she put the get on my belly and i shivered a bit she began to move the ultrasound wand around my stomach and was watching the screen she stopped moving it and looked the screen very closely she looked at me "I have some good news for you, your pregnant" I'm pregnant i thought how can i be me and Zak always used protection and i had not got intimate with Nick or anyone else "looking at the screen you are 3 weeks gone the baby is still very small at the moment but if i was you i would tell the father just incase anything happens".

She called the Porter back in and helped me get into the wheelchair again he took me back to the ward and i saw Zak and Aaron Zak was bruised and had a few cuts on him they had not seen my cleaned up they watched concerned as i struggled to get in bed you can imagine how hard it was as i could only use one arm. I had not seen my injuries yet and i don't think i wanted to the Dr came with my Xray results "your wrist is broken i don't know what he did but whatever he did he did it with force" Zak looked at me "We will get someone come and put it in plaster and i think you need to tell them something else to" and he left my heart was pounding how could i tell Zak that he was going to be a dad would he believe me i looked at them both and a took Zaks hand "I'm pregnant and your the dad" him and Aaron both went quiet Zak walked out.

Me and Aaron just sat there in silence i go out of bed as i needed to go to the bathroom "Can you manage" Aaron asked i nodded i slowly walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall i could not see Zak anywhere i got into the bathroom and saw my face in the mirror i had 2 black eyes a busted lip and i cut on my eyebrow i thought it looked worse but it didn't my wrist was a bit blue but nothing which would not disappear in a few days i finished in the bathroom and walked back out i got back onto the ward and the police was with Zak/Nick/Aaron Nick was still in handcuffs and had cuts on his hand as soon as i saw him i froze I slowly walked over to the bed i had to stop i couple of times Nick saw me and bowed his head i really struggled to get onto the bed this time and it was killing me so they had to get me a nurse.

They drew the curtains and left us all in private Zak/Nick/Aaron was sat by eachother and the two police officers stood by Nick "Look i'm sorry" Nick said "I had no idea what came over me" "Just be queiet and let me speak i told them how it all started and what happened to Nick he bagan to weep "I'm so sorry it won't happen again" the police officers looked me i was in extreme pain and i could not speak i was basically curled over holding my stomach Zak quickly got up and shouted a nurse they came running in "Ok just relax" I began to blled again they ran off quick and i was in even more pain they came back with a wheelchair and got me in it qucik i was screaming in pain Zak got up "i'm coming with you I don't care" Zakk took hold of my hand as they rushed me to the scan room "Quick get her on the bed and get the Dr" i did not want Zak to see me this way he did not like to see me In pain the Dr came "Can you please wait outside" and he shut the door i could hear Zak outside with Aaron "Shes going to lose it i know she is" .

The Dr checked me over and checked the screen again for the second time "everything looks fine but we are going to give you some pain killers don't worry it won't harm the baby" they helped me get back into the wheelchair and took me back to the ward they had taken the handcuffs off Nick now and asked if i wanted to press charges "No" Zak and Aaron came back as they had been outside Zak put his hand gently on my stomach and looked at me "You and this Baby is all that matters to me" they finally came and put my arm in plaster it was Awkward with Nick being there but i knew things had to change.

A week passed and i was out of hospital and back in my own house Zak was away with the guys nothing had happened since there was no sign of Charles and i felt happy me and Nick had made up now but i still did not want to be left alone with him as i believed Charles would make his appearance again soon Zak had rang me everyday since he got there i my face was healing slowly but i had to keep going up the hospital wo have my wrist checked i had not slept in days and i was exhausted which i knew was not good for the baby or me I completely forgot when the guys was back and i did not really care as it was a break for me i fell asleep on the sofa and was awoke by a large bang i fell back asleep and just ignored it i woke up a couple of hours later of the guys shouting we are back and slamming the front door.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up Nick came in first "You look ill have you been looking after yourself " i shhok my head i got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face "Where is the love of my life" Zak shouted i walked in smiling and he ran upto my picking me up and swinging me around and kissed me "I've missed you" he kissed me again Aaron and Nick just stood there not knowing what to say or do "Stop is Babe" i said to him smiling someone else came through the front door and it was Billy/Jay i had not met Billy so he introduced himself and they both gave me a big hug "Hey be careful" my arm was due to come out of plaster and i could not wait it was really annoying as it was hard for me to do certain things.

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