Chapter 12

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I slowly walked over to Nicks car Zak opened the door for me i got in leaving one leg out showing it off i slowly placed it into the car, Zak got into the back with me gave me that look of "If only i could have you right now" Nick got into the Car with Aaron he started the car up it was a long 20 minute drive Zak was breathing on my neck for entire journey i was glad to see that we had arrived outside of the pub Nick went to park the Car up we all waited outside for him then we all entered the pub Zak went straight to the Bar Myself Nick and Aaron sat at a table next to the door Zak quickly came back "cheers"before taking a drink of his beer Aaron was sat infront of myself aswell as Nick and Zak was either side of me Nick was not happy for some reason he would not even look at me.

Aaron aswell as Zak went for a bathroom break I asked Nick to come and talk outside with me the car park was busy so we both stood at the wall, Nick still would not look at me "What is your problem you have not spoke to me since we got here" Nick Replied "Its nothing i'm just tired" Nick looked back down he began to walk differently stopping infront of me he lifted his head up he had that same menacing look i had on in my house, he quickly moved towards me placing both his hands on the wall so i could not escape "I have you now" he said in a menacing voice "My name is Charles...i have waited for this you thought you got rid of me" he laughed evily he began to slowly move one of this hands up my leg whispering "I have you now you can't get anywhere" he began to kiss me neck "GET THE HELL OF ME YOU SICK SON OF A B" "Never I will make sure Zak sure never wants to be with you again, NOW GET ON THE FLOOR" he undid his jeans forcing me to the ground I placed my hands onto his legs pushing him away.

I was hoping and praying Zak or Aaron came out right now to see what was happening he grabbed both of my wrists twisting them i heard one go Crack then i was in terrible pain whoever this Charles was, he had taken over Nick he wanted to hurt me, he was not going to stop at anything to do so. He let go off my wrists i placed the injured one onto my chest trying to keep it up it was killing me so i knew he had broke it or at least spraint it he drew his fist back punching me i was yelling him to stop but he did not i was now crouched on the floor trying to protect myself the best way i could "I'm going to kill you" he said in a menacing voice and walking off behind the back of the pub i got up following him, he was taking about a 20 minture stroll towards the kitchen doors I knew what he was going to do i heard laughter in the pub i staggered into it and Everyone looked around at me Zak and Aaron did not notice me until they turned around to see what everyone was looking at.

My face was laced in blood and i could hardly stand i collapsed onto the floor and Charles/Nick came walking in through the door with a knife "Where do you think you are going did you think you could escape" i craweled along the floor why the hell was no one trying to stop him i got to the Dance floor and that was it i could not fight it no more and i closed my eyes and collapsed fully i could not hear my own breathe i could not even move although my mind thought thats it i'm dead now i will never get to Marry Zak and start a family my hearing came back and i heard Zak kicking off "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER YOU WANT SOMEONE TO KILL COME AND KILL ME!" then i heard a woman scream and someone fell to the floor next to me i knew it had to be Zak he had killed Zak I heard a ambulance and police sirens come and the police come barging in i opened my eyes and just stared i could not blink i looked and saw Nicks lifeless body was on the floor with the knife next to him.

Two police officers came and picked him up Zak quickly ran infront of me "SAM CAN YOU HEAR ME look what he has done to you" Aaron came "Come on Bro you can't help her shes gone" Aaron helped Zak up and the paramedics turned me onto my back i was still staring at this point and i felt like shouting "I AM ALIVE CHECK MY PULSE" A paramedic shone a light in my eye which made me blink "Shes alive" they shouted quick get a strectcher i closed my eyes and they put my arm into a sling i felt someone hold my hand and i knew it was Zak by how his hand felt and although i was extremly hurt my body still knew it was him i slowly opened my eyes as i got into the ambulance but i could not move my head or any part of my body all i could do was blink "Zak" i struggled to say "No its Aaron hun Zaks in the other ambulance he got hurt to" my heart sank 10 minutes later we arrived at the hospital and they rushed me in "Yes we have a young a female she had been beaten up severly had bleeding from her head a supposed broken wrist and bleeding down below" I thought oh no i've been stabbed again and Charles did say "I will make sure Zak never wants to look at you again".

I was wheeled into the room and the moved me onto a bed 1...2....3 lift they asked Aaron to go and wait outside i heard them bring Zak in due to them saying his name i did not want to hear what had happened to him but they shut the curtains A Dr shone a light in my eyes again "Yes shes responsive Sam can you nod if you can hear me" I nodded "Ok great are you in any pain in you neck or head" I nodded no they took the brace from around my neck and i felt them cutting my clothes "We need to get a Scan done on her straight away and also a xray done on her wrist "Sam let me know if you feel any pain when i touch your belly ok" As soon as he pressed onto my belly and turned towards the side of the bed and threw up "There is no tenderness or pain on her stomach but we still need to get a scan on it" let slowly moved the bed up so i was sitting upright "Thats better you can now" I saw Aaron in the next cubicle to me talking to a different Dr and i knew it was Zak "I want to see Zak, i want to see if hes ok" "Not right now they are tidying him up and cheking him over and then we promise you can see him" The police came in and Asked if they could see me "She is not ready yet but when she is you can speak to her about what happened is the guy who did this in custody" they nodded yes.

A love What Is Not Meant To Happen- Zak Bagans FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora