Chapter 7

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He grabbed onto my jeans now leaning his head back closing his eyes every so often, groaning a little he put his head back up taking hold of me he lifting me up so i was on the sofa lying down he was on the top of me kissing me he undid his belt taking it from around his jeans placing it on the floor he came towards me again smiling he got up helped me up at this point i was in pain "Are you ok" I nodded he undid his jeans letting them drop to the floor he took my hand to follow him upstairs we ran up the stairs getting into to his bedroom he swung the door open before i got to his door he picked me up swinging me around then placing me down so my feet hit the floor then hugging me he shut the door.

He came over to me kissing me smiling while doing it he was walking it was hard for me to keep my balance, i had my hands up like to protect myself he let go of me undoing my jeans he pulled them down i stepped out of them my wound was killing me "Wait stop i have to go and check my wound" I kissed him went down to the bathroom i turned the light on seeing it was bleeding i wet a cloth Zak came down standing at the bathroom door still in his boxers his arms stretched reaching the door frame i looked up jumping out of my skin "Here let me do it" i passed him the cloth he got on his knees beginning to dab it he stopped looking up at me...that was it here we go again he slowly kissed my stomach he stood up beginning to kiss me i could feel his bulge in his boxers I pushed him away but he was Strong i tried again but still no luck "Get off me" pushing him into the bathroom door.

I ran upstairs running into my bedroom shutting the door just standing there luckily the curtains was shut  he knocked on I didn't answer he came walking in he had a cloth on his chest he came into the bedroom standing in front of me "Look what you made me do naughty" he removed the cloth it was a tiny little scratch was hardly noticeable I thought oh you want to play this game then do you i went to my bedside table where i had a glass of water walked over to him tipped it over his head now he was dripping wet slightly "Oi don't get my hair wet " "Oh sorry its already wet, so are you to" he pulled me in close i could see his skin glinsening as it was slightly wet.

He was looking down at me but i was too concerned at looking at his chest i put my hand on it that was it we kissed again I needed to make the most of this before he went away, he took my hand looked up at me smiling taking me to the bed sitting on it i also sat next to him we just stared into each others eyes i got lost in his blue eyes really lost he placed his hand on my face i took one of my hands placing it on his we both put our foreheads together closing our eyes just sitting there in silence we both knew this could not carry on the way it was going we needed to end it for once and for all....

We stopped what we was doing we just sat there with my hand in his is this going to turn into love or is it just a good thing while it lasts "I have to get to bed" he said "Stay in my bed with me please i feel safe with you" he smiled getting into my bed i turned the light off i got into bed he put his arm around me i felt safe once again i fell asleep i woke up the next morning he was still fast asleep i checked my phone it was 11am i shook him "Zak its 11am" he woke up in a sleepy voice "Good morning beautiful sitting up in bed" What happened last night as i saw he was naked in my bed i knew he didn't take them off when i was awake i had all my stuff still one so i just ignored it he got out of bed walking along my bedroom floor naked "I'm going for a shower" 

I needed the toilet so i went down after about 20 mins he went down he was still in the shower singing i was come on Sam one little peak I slightly opened the shower curtain saw the water running down his muscular body his hair was wet, i had to stop myself from jumping in that shower with him offering to wash him....i could not stop looking at him he was all soaped up it was like he was doing it in slow motion the water was running down every part of his body i saw him look over running off quickly before he could notice i was watching him I heard the shower turn off then he came walking in the back room with just a towel around his waist he came up to me standing in front of me he put his arms up starting to flex his biceps smirking at me then he turned around flexing his back he turned around winked at me then went upstairs i just sat there in shock Show off i thought to myself.

I went into the bathroom to get myself sorted then i went upstairs to get ready walking down the hall to his bedroom his bedroom door was open he was on the floor doing sit ups he saw me looking smiling "You can come and do sit ups for me if you like" winking i raised a eyebrow at him i decided i was going to go out for a run so i put my thermos on and my running top etc i went out the bedroom he was stood at his door wiping his face with a towel, "Going for a run are we i'm going to join you" we had never ran together before he still had to be careful because of his asthma I was thinking yes i know why he wants to come running with me DirtyBoy we both got outside i locked up walked to the end of my street, then we was off I took my normal route which was down into town then down a public pathway it was a 2 mile run was knackering but i knew i had to do it Zak had to stop a few times and walk but i did not run that fast anyway so it was easy for him to catch up with me.

We came to the stop where it was 2 miles i had to walk as my legs was killing me Zak hi fived me "Well done girl your good" we began the 3 mile walk back to the house but the route was very scenic Zak loved it as he had not been down it before "I have to fly out later" he looked at me i did not respond to him I thought will he come back the same person or be totally different again we did not speak at all walking back up to the house we got in Zak went straight upstairs to pack Nick Arrived with Aaron I did not even look at them or even say Hi to them they just sat down trying to get my attention but i kept remembering what Zak said on the way home, my wound had not been painful for a day now it began to hurt this is what i did not understand something came over me i knew what was going to happen so i got the cross out of the drawer from in the kitchen i stood there with it in my hand praying in my mind i just stared outside i could not hear anything but i could see.

Aaron came into the kitchen to get a glass of water he came to the sink i turned looking at him he looked at me in shock dropping his glass in the sink running off "ZAK NICK GET IN HERE BRO" i could hear at this point but i was seeing through someone elses eyes i felt anger i moved away from the side as i slowly walked into the backroom Nick was eating he quickly stopped he looked at me running upstairs "ZAK BRO WE NEED YOU" Aaron was upstairs with Zak which meant i was downstairs on my own i went looking in the mirror it was still my face but someone else was inside my body i could feel myself trying to fight through it it seemed to make my wound hurt more I sat on the sofa placing my head into my hands still with the cross in my hand whatever it was did not like the cross was trying to throw it of my hand but the part of me did not let it,

They came downstairs they was all questioning my name "Sam" they all said i could tell where they were all stood Zak was stood in front of me crouched down Aaron as well as Nick was each side of him Zak put his hand on my back i looked up "Whatever you are get out of her now" I smiled in a menacing way "NO SHES MINE NOT YOURS" what was left of me i got praying in my mind after a while whatever was there left my body, my energy was drained i woke up "Huh what happened" they all jumped out of there skin Zak came sitting next to me checking me over lifting my top up slightly to see if my wound was Ok there was no blood or nothing it was slowly turning into a scar now Zak put my top down he looked at me that same look he always gives when he knows he has to give me bad news, Nick as well as Aaron left the room shutting the door Zak helped me to sit upright he got down on one Knee he took out a small box openining it "you mean the world to me i can see it that you want to be with me to, Will you marry me?" I began to cry.

Why is he doing this when he knows i don't feel the same way...I looked up smiling at him placing my hand onto his head he smiled to my surprise i yelled "Yes i will marry you I love you to Zak" he placed the ring on my finger he picking me up swinging me around giving me a big kiss,"GUYS SHE SAID YES" they both came in cheering Nick did not look his happy cheery self was he jealous or did he not know what to say Aaron came over giving me a hug but Nick did not Zak looked at his watch "Guys we need to go" He ran upstairs getting his case then he gave it to Nick to put it into the car he put his arms around me looking into my eyes "I love you i will call you whenever i can if you, have any problems ring me i will answer whatever time it is i want to be there for you" he gave me a kiss leaving Me and Nick Alone in the room, he put his head down he waited for Zak to go out the door  then he walked upto me he looking at me smiling he put his arms around me like Zak did he looked at me he whispered into my hear "I have something to tell you" then Aaron came in seing how Nick was with me "Come on dude Zaks waiting" Nick began to kiss me i began to kiss him back what was i doing i snapped out of it looking at Aaron i could see it in his face he knew what was going on he did not seem happy about it Nick took his hands from around me leaving the room...

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