Chapter 9

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A few days passed Zak had not seen or spoke to the guys i knew Jay was not over here for long also they was due to do some editing as well as check there footage me and Zak was closer than ever we had a laugh together but we had not slept in the same bed or even had S*X yet we kissed and hugged and snuggled but we never spoke about getting married or did he even remember we was engaged he had been working out a lot and looked good i could not resist but he did not want me to do things to him as soon as is started to kiss him he kissed me and that was it.

Did he think i was just doing it because what happened to myself and Nick which i had no part in, was he seeing some one better than me it was late evening it was Midnight he came down putting his black jacket on "I'm going out i will see you in the morning, i won't be back" He never did this ever if he did i knew where he was going but he did not tell me where he was going he just walked out no kiss or hug goodbye I rung Aaron "Hey is Zak coming to you hes just gone out, not told me where he is going" "No i'm with Nick we will come over to you in a minute" i put the phone down did i want Nick here 20 minutes later Nick as well as Aaron walked in hugging me "Your looking well how have you been" "I've been good" i replied I spoke to Nick as well as Aaron about what was happening, they just shook there head i went upstairs to Zaks bedroom i saw he had a business card for a bar with a woman's phone number on the back her name was Lucy.

I came storming down the stairs throwing the card at Aaron "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" Aaron as well as Nick looked at the Card "Oh we know where this is" "Right lets go" it was a 20 minute drive from where i lived we pulled up, i went storming in looking around for Zak but i could not see him i asked the person at the bar they pointed to a room, I stormed in there Zak was sat there drinking and watching this woman he saw me jumping up the woman stopped singing I walked over to him pushing him back down "WHAT THE HELL, WHO IS SHE" Aaron as well as Nick stood there in shock as they had not seen this side of me before nor had Zak "I can explain"with the woman now sitting next to him "YOU CAN EXPLAIN" I took the ring off my finger throwing it at him "Sam wait" but i stormed out Nick followed me back through the bar following me outside as i was crying i was stood up against a wall.

Nick came up to me i took hold of his hoody kissing him he had no idea what to do he just allowed me to do it, i he turned so his back was facing the wall i pushed him up against the wall as i continued to kiss him this time he knew what was going on, he kissed me back i unzipped his hoody placing my hands in his hoody so i was feeling his back i did not know what was going on and why i was doing it but i liked it, we continued kissing and touching "I only live 10 minutes away from the bar" so he took my hand we ran to his we got there he opened his front door grabbing me kissing me walking me backwards as he was in front of me he shut the front door with his foot quickly took his hoody off taking my jacket off after he was breathing heavily, we could not stop kissing each other he lead me to his bedroom leading me over to his bed.

Lying on it i climbed on top of him we began to kiss again he was rubbing his hands up and down my back, there was a knock on his front door "Just ignore it"then he continued kissing me the front door opened had he forgot to shut it properly....I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but we just ignored it and carried on Nick quickly stopped ushering me off him he got off the bed i saw it was Zak "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING" Zak yelled Nick got right up in his face "WHAT YOU GOT A PROBLEM BRO" Nick pointed at me "You have a good girl here, you treat her like crap she loves you, you wonder why she is doing this its called a taste of your own medicine you only want her when it suits you" i sat up putting my knees upto my chest putting my head down not looking at them i had not seen them like this before i was expecting them to throw fists at eachother but they didn't they calmed down and Zak left.

Nick came back onto the bed putting his arm around me "Are you ok sorry you had to see that" he pulled me in close kissing my head i got up "I'm sick of all this we are supposed to be friends with each other" I ran out Nick Followed me Zak as well as Aaron was just getting into the car I began to run up the street "STOP !" i took no notice i carried on running i suddenly stopped pain filled my body i fell to the floor face first...putting my hands out to stop myself i just lay there blinking in pain i felt numb "SAM NO!" i heard them all shout they all came running my hearing went silent i just saw them shouting at me but i could not hear anything i just lay there blinking every so often Zak was on the phone he got on the Wet pavement as it had been raining laying my on my side looked like he was following instructions on the phone.

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