Chapter 13

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"Lets have Levy vs Gajeel" said Makarov and cheers erupted from the crowd cheering "LEVY".

"Hi Levy" said Gajeel.

"Black Steel" nodded Levy as Gajeel felt his heart clench for her not referring him by his name. But Gajeel kept his normal facial expression, a scowl.

"I'm fighting without suppressing my magic power" said Levy as her magic power sent waves through the crowd.
You could feel her magic power it was so strong.

He didn't think I would be capable of beating him. I'll prove him wrong.

"Bring it on" said Levy.

"IRON DRAGON ROARR" yelled Gajeel shooting his attack at Levy. Levy stood there with a snap of her fingers roots sprouted up and the attack hit it instead.

"IRON DRAGON SECRET ART" Levy just stood there till the last moment and flashed to the other side of the arena making Gajeel's attack hit the wall instead.

"Lets finish this" said Levy as she glared at Gajeel harder.

"I princess of the Earth/Nature kingdoms summon my power. EARTH'S SLASH MINOR" Levy said/yelled. When the dust cleared Gajeel down.


"PRINCESS OF THE EARTH" yelled Gajeel as he groaned in pain.

"Yup, but that's not all. There are 7 kingdoms like the dragon kingdom which Lucy is the princess of, Juvia princess of the water kingdom and me princess of the earth kingdom. The other kingdoms you will find out soon" said Levy with a smirk.  Then she left to go to the girls side.

"Before you ask why I finished the fight early. I just wanted to show them I could beat Gajeel faster than Salamander. So, now they know how dangerous I can be" said Levy as she looked up to the girls with a smile.

"Levy we're proud of you" smiled Kagura as Levy grinned wider than she ever grinned before.

Well thats it for now Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima Byee.

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