22. All Lies

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Eliza's POV

Kai: Eliza we have to talk (five days ago)

Kai: Eliza please answer (two days ago)

Kai: Asia and I are worried (today)

Kai: E. Baby girl. Please. (right now)

I looked at my phone. I wanted to make this all go away. I wanted to be in peace.

Me: Okay. But only you. No Asia.

Kai: I'll meet you at Starbucks. Yeah?

Me: No. The park where we broke up.

Kai didn't respond but I knew that he saw it. I slowly got myself from under Ryland. His bare chest moved up and down slowly. I noticed how peaceful and innocent he looked. Like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Looks can be deceiving.

I got dressed quickly, careful not to wake him up. After I put on my Van's I grabbed my makeup bag. As I looked in the mirror, I saw things that I never wanted to see on my face. I had a busted lip and a small bruise on my cheek. Curious, I lifted up my shirt and saw that I was black and blue all over. I groaned in sadness. I didn't know what to do. Instead of packing up and leaving. I ignored it completely. Ryland did say that he would get professional help. I had stupidly believed him for the umpteenth time. I let go of my shirt and finished getting ready. Before I left out of the apartment I left Ryland a note telling him I was going to the store to get more food. 

As I pulled up to the parking lot of the place, I felt a sense of dread wash over me.  I didn't want him to see me like this but he needed to go and leave me behind. I already hurt him enough and I couldn't like with myself if I hurt him again. 

"Where are you going?" Ryland asked. I ignored him and kept on putting my clothes in a trash bag. I was not expecting him to come home early. His heavy footsteps made their way towards me. I felt his hand grip my shoulder. I tried to shake him off but I failed. He spun me around to face him. 

"Don't make me ask you again because it's not going to be as nice." I flinched at the thought of him hitting me again. 

"I'm going back to my house," I confessed. I was going to try and talk my mother into letting me stay with her.

"Where were you going to stay? Your car?" he spat.

"I was thinking of asking my mother if I could stay with her."

"You know she doesn't care about you. Who would? You're worthless," he said. He pushed me down to the ground. I stayed there with my head bowed down.


"Don't ever try to leave me again. I know where you live and I know where he works." I got confused for a second. That's when I realized that he wasn't just threatening me but Kai as well. He left the room in a huff. I was relieved he didn't hit me but I was distraught that he threatened Kai. I can deal with him hurting me but if something ever happened to Kai I would not be able to live with myself. I hugged my legs and started to cry. I was stuck.

I slowly walked towards the park. I spot his curly hair by a tree. He was leaned up against the tree, looking up to the clear blue sky. My eyes roamed his body. He was in a plain white tee and Adidas pants. His shoes were black but I couldn't recognize the brand from afar. His brown sugar skin glistened in the sun. Looking at him I knew that I made a mistake running away from him. Now it was too late. I couldn't risk anything happening to him. And I knew that if Ryland threatened Kai he would threaten anyone I hold dear as well. Asia, my brothers, my father, and my mom. 

Kai must have heard me coming towards him because his head snapped towards me. Turning his body slightly, he waved at me. I lifted my hand up to show him that I saw him. When I reached him I sat in front of him. I looked at his face and noticed he looked like he hadn't slept in days. I was worried but I didn't say anything.

"Thank you for coming E."

"You wouldn't have left me alone."

"You right." We sat in silence for a little bit. Looking everywhere but at each other.

"Kai. What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"You. I'm worried."

"You don't have to be I'm okay Kai. I really am." He shook his head as if knowing I had bruises littering my body.

"E. I know that he's abusive towards you. Hell, he even slapped Asia." I groaned at the thought.

"He said he was sorry."

"Actions speak louder than words." I paused not knowing how to respond. He was right actions do speak louder than words and Ryland's actions told me otherwise. What was I supposed to do? He was my only form of housing and money. Without him, I would be sleeping in my car.

"And he has been working on it. He just has moments where his anger gets the best of him." I said shrugging. We remained silent again. The air around us growing thicker by the passing second.

"Have you been talking to your brothers or father?" he questioned.

"No. Been ignoring them all."

"Why? They care."

"It's none of your concern Kai."

"Hey. I told you I'm worried."

"You shouldn't be."

"Eliza how can you say that?"

"Are we done now?" I asked. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

"No. You are going to break up with Ryland," he commanded.

"I can't do that Kai."

"Why not, Eliza. Why can't you break-up with him?" His eyes pleaded with me like his life depended on it.

"I just can't Kai. Please understand."

"No, I can't understand."

"Then I'm sorry."

"Okay. I didn't want to do this but if you don't break up with him, I'm going to go to the police." I stood up from the ground in lightning speed.

"Don't do that please."

"Then break up with him." He was standing up now. I paced back and forth weighing over my options. I realized that either I tell Kai about what Ryland said or I would lie to him. 

"Okay. I'll leave him." I lied.

"Eliza are you serious?" he asked shocked.

"I promise."

I made my way back home after I talked to Kai. It seemed like nothing was going my way and it was all my fault. Everything was my fault. I pushed Kai away and now he could be in danger. Ryland hit me because I was stupid and ugly. My mother despised me because I was a disappointment. And my father stopped caring. I had no one. And the place I did have to go was a hellhole. I'm a waste of human life.


This was a hard chapter for me to write. This is where Eliza's mindset is. Also I don't remember how I described Kai so this is what he looks like now. Until the next chapter. With love.

How should Eliza have handled the situation?

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