21. Confession

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Kai's POV

Asia came back into her house crying as I was still seated. She slowly made her way to the floor and brought her knees up to her chest. I looked at her with defeated eyes. I walked up to her and wrapped her in the best hug that I could. As soon as I did that she broke down sobbing. She was heartbroken.

Now many would take my lack of showing emotions as meaning I didn't care about Eliza. But I did care about her, I just had too many emotions playing in my brain, making me numb and hurt at the same time. I just need answers.

When Asia started to calm down, I took her over to the couch so we could talk about what I was missing. 

"Okay. Asia. I need some answers. Can you explain them to me?" She nodded her head and started to explain. 

"I've been seeing signs, Kai."

"What signs are you talking about." 

"He hasn't been treating her right. At the beginning of the relationship, she told me everything about him. Then I noticed that we never really talked about him anymore."

"She's being secretive? What else."

"I've been noticing that she has started wearing clothes that are meant for fall. Kai, it's still summer." I nodded agreeing with her.

"Yeah, we know why now."

"I've been trying to get her to talk to me but she hasn't. Saying that he's getting better." I scoffed at that statement. We sat in silence for a moment as I started to lose my sanity. I kept a calm composure but on the inside, I was going bonkers.

"What did you mean when you brought up what he did to you. Or something like that." Her eyes lifted up to mine and I saw nothing but anger.

"He slapped me," she confessed. When she said that my walls went down and I started getting angry. 

"And you didn't tell me about this then?" I asked.

"Kai. In all honesty, you were the last person that I wanted to talk to about this." Her words made me angry but it was true. She should have thought about Eliza first and foremost.

"Have you spoke to her parents?"

"Well I tried to talk to her mother but she never returned my calls and I can't seem to catch her at her home. As for her dad, I don't have his number or knows where he says," she sighed.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. The pushing thing was months ago and..."

"It was months ago!"

"Kai. I have been trying. She hasn't left him and her mother isn't helping. I'm trying to help her. Believe me. I am." Asia started to cry again and I scooted to hug her. Rocking back and forth this girl bawled in my arms for a person we both love so much.

"You don't have to go through this by yourself. I'll help you now. I promise."

"Thank you Kai."

"Why did Eliza think that you would want Ryland?" She got out of my embrace and looked at the ground.

"I did something I'm not proud."

"And what would that be?"

"I stopped being her friends because I like you. I told her about...it's just embarrassing."

"Asia you're a nice girl but..."

"I know. You love Eliza. I can see that and I'm sorry. For everything."

"It's fine," I said.

"What are we going to do?" Asia asked. I looked around.

"We could try and research somethings to help her. Try and get her out."

"Trust me I have, but most say that we can't help her if she doesn't want the help."

"What? That doesn't make any sense."

"To us, it doesn't but as I kept researching..."

"So we can't call the cops?"

"They advise unless she is actually asking for the help. She might lie or cover up. She might cut off from us completely and we don't need that right now." I took my hands and clasped them.

"What can we do? I can't see her like this."

after I came home I trudged to my room. My mother and father were gone. They most likely went on a date night. 

I sat on my desk chair and started to spin around as I looked at the ceiling. I couldn't keep my thoughts at bay. I had to let them loose.

You should have tried to make her break up with him. I am useless. I can't protect the one thing that matters to me. He put his hands on Asia. He put his hands on E. My little heart.

I stood up pacing back and forth. My thoughts getting deeper and darker. All of a sudden the rage I didn't know I was holding back leaped forward like a lion. Unable to contain it, I punched my wall. It made a small dent and I felt some pain. I noticed that my knuckles bled a little but I didn't mind. I just wanted to feel better. So I punched the wall again. Adrenaline kicked into my body. I didn't want to stop so I started messing up my bedroom.

"What the hell is going on here?" my father boomed as he barged into my room. I ignored him and continued my destruction. 

"Kai!" my mother screamed at the sight. I looked at her for a moment then punched the wall again. I heard a small yelp come from her and my dad started to restrain me.

"Kai stop it now!" he yelled as I tried to get out of his grip. It wasn't working. I heard that my mom started to cry and I began to calm down. Slowly my dad got up from me and straightened himself out.

"Care to explain why you became the fucking Tasmanian devil just now." I stayed silent. My mother then came up to me and put her hand on my face. She moved me to look at her and I saw the worry on her face. After I saw that I started to finally let go and cried. As soon as she heard me crack she pulled me into a great big hug. My dad sat next to us and engulfed both of us in a tight hug. We didn't say anything else for the rest of the night.


Kai finally learned the truth. Until the next chapter. With love.

Why do you think Eliza's mom is ignoring Asia?

What do you think Kai is going to do?

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