28. Routine

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Kai's POV

We haven't heard from the girl yet and it had been killing us on the inside. We didn't know where Eliza was or how she was doing. And honestly, we didn't know if she was alive or not. Needless to say, it was a horrible couple of days. We hardly ate or slept. After school, we all would drive around to see if we could spot them. 

Every day we ended up at a dead end. George and my father decided to travel to different towns and cities just to see if they fled while Sonia was making calls to different shelters. The police eventually put up a missing person report but that was as far as they went.

Even though this all sucked, something good came out of it. We all became closer. Working together to find a person that we all care about deeply has made up become like a working family. Noel, Nolan, George, Sonia, and Marcus had started acting like a better family. And me and Asia had gotten closer as well.

This made me excited because I knew when Eliza came back, we would be able to work together for her sake.

"Hey Kai, did you get anything yet?" Kyle asked me. Both of us was seated at our usual table. Our usual group was gone today because they wanted to shoot some hoops. Kyle and I stayed behind because we had better things to do.

"No. Maybe we should come up with another plan," I said.

"And what would that be? George and Marcus have already been traveling. We look day and night for her, and Sonia has been making calls like crazy. This is our only hope." I looked down taking in his words. This was the only thing that could possibly get us to her. 

Asia came up and sat down next to Kyle. He stiffened up a little bit. Things had been a little tense since she told us about Omar. Kyle being a person who hates showing his feelings didn't want to reveal to he liked her, so now it was getting weird.

"Nolan texted me and said he wanted us to meet up after school again," she said.

"Well we have conditioning today, so we can do it later," I said.

"I don't think that'll be a problem." We started talking about our day to lighten the mood just a little bit and it was working. It felt like everything was normal. That was until I got a notification from Rant.

Her: Hey got ur message

Me: How do you know him

Her: We used 2 date

Me: Well my friend dates him now and she's missing. I was wondering if we could meet up

Her: Ummm

Me: Please. You can choose the place and bring anyone that you want

Her: Ok. I'll send you the address of the Starbucks we'll meet @

Me: Thank you so much

"It a town away from here," said Kyle. I nodded my head and grinned. We were finally going to find her.

"I guess we're skipping conditioning today."

We all stood outside of the Starbucks she said that she would be there in about ten minutes.

"I don't think we should all sit with her?" Kyle said.

"Why not?" asked Nolan.

"Because she'll feel intimidated. We can all be in the store but not all with her," Kyle explained. We all nodded our heads in agreement. We wanted her to feel safe.

"Okay. Since that is the case then I think Kai and Asia should sit with her," Noel chimed. No one had any objections and so we went in, ordered some drinks, then went into our spots. Exactly when the ten minute mark hit, a small girl walking in, holding hands with a three-year-old child as a man followed her. She looked around to match the picture I sent her of me to a face. She finally saw me and came to the table.

"Hi. My name is Sarah," she said, sticking her hand out. I shook her hand and introduced myself and Asia.

"Oh and I almost forgot. This is Blake, my son, and Chase, my husband." They looked at me and waived.

"Babe, ya want anything because imma go order," Chase said. She shook her head no and sat down.

"I'm so happy that I saw your message in the amount of time that I did because I never really go on there anymore, especially since I got married," Sarah said.

"Well, thank you for coming and talking to us," I said. She nodded at me.

"I had to because if Ryland is doing to your friend what he did to me I can't be quiet."

"So he abused you as well?" asked Asia.

"Yeah, it was only until I got pregnant with Blake did I make finally leave him and even that was hard."

"Blake is Ryland's?" asked Asia.

"Yes he is but I love him with all my heart despite the circumstances." We nodded.

"I heard he has connections. Is that true?" I asked.

"Yes. I remember I called the police on time and when they came over started talking to him and laughing. I wasn't even paid attention to," Sarah confessed. "I loved that man with all of my heart. Ya know it was so hard to leave. It was probably the hardest thing ever. I had no money, no friends, I cut myself off from family, I thought that no one cared. Then I ran into Chase. I was getting a pregnancy test that day. He recognized me from school and saw my black eye. He was worried and gave me his number. Honestly, I think if I didn't see Chase that day, I wouldn't have a way out. And I know that we're young but our little family is more than enough for me."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"19 going on 20."

"So all of this happened when you were young as well?" question Asia. Sarah moved her head up and down.

"Do you remember is address and if you did can we have it?" I asked.

"Yes of course. Now I want you to be careful okay." I nodded as she wrote down where he lived.

"I don't know if he still lives there. This happened about three-years-ago."

"Thank you so much."

Eliza, we're coming to get you.


Okay from today on I am going to honor those people who really went above and beyond for this book so keep a look out for that.

Here are some people that I notice vote on almost every chapter.


With love.

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