31. Emotions

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Kai's POV

She eventually stopped crying and fell asleep. Her phone vibrating kept me up, so I decided to turn it off. Grabbing her phone, I saw that Ryland was blowing up her phone. I was heated.

Slowly, I slipped out of Eliza's grip and made my way to get my red shoes. I closed her door quietly. The entire time I closed the door I looked at her. This is all for her, I thought. Grabbing a fluffy pink throw pillow that was on the floor I tossed it at Kyle's head. He jolted up looking for the direction that the pillow came from. His eyes came into contact with mine and he began to open his mouth. I put my finger to my lip and gestured him toward the door. He glared at me and began to get ready to go.

"What are we doing here at four in the morning?" Kyle asked. We were already in the lobby.

"We are going to handle some unfinished business." He didn't say much after that. We just walked through the hotel lobby in our pajama's.

The night air was slapping my face as I drove at high speeds. Kyle still didn't say anything. He had never seen me like this before. Heck, I haven't seen me like this before. But I was heated. The months that he hurt Eliza was over and he needed to know that.

We pulled up into his apartment complex and I pulled my hood up. Kyle looked at me with wild eyes. "Dude, what are we doing here?"

"I told you. We are going to handle unfinished business."

"Dude. You already beat the bastard half to death," Kyle retorted getting out of the car. I felt his hand grab my upper arm. I shook him off and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"And he hasn't learned anything. He keeps calling her." I started to walk to his home.

"What would this do? Kai ya know how I am but you told me this at the hospital. We need to be there for Eliza and not in jail." Continuing to ignore him I banged on his door. It swung open after a minute or so.

"What the actual fuck. It's four in the fucking morning. What the hell..." He looked at me and his eyes went wide. It should have too. When I looked at him, his face was messed up. He was almost unrecognizable. I smirked on the inside.

"I'm going to say this once and only once. You leave Eliza the FUCK alone. If you call her, see her, text her, or look at her I will come back and finish what I started. You better thank God that my friend over there talked me out of using your face as my own personal punching bag." He didn't say anything to me and just stared. I scoffed at him and walked away from him. Kyle looked at me and smiled.

As the ride back to the hotel was happening I felt tears come to my eyes and rage start to creep up.

"Dude calm down. It's fine now," Kyle said to me, his hands up. His words were not calming. I pulled over to the side of the road. It was all dirt and the sun was rising over it. I walked towards the sun and away from the car all the while I can hear Kyle behind me. I screamed feeling the anger take over me. As I was screaming Kyle stood beside me saying nothing.

"DAMNIT!" I screamed. I sat down on the dirt and Kyle than plopped down next to me.

"You know dude. It's okay to cry." Kyle said. I didn't want to cry in front of Kyle. I didn't want to seem weak in front of him. But he's my best friend. He's my brother. So I started to cry. My shoulders were shaking violently and I hugged my knees. Kyle didn't say anything and just listened to me.

"I am so angry," I confessed.

"At what?"

"So many things."

"Like what?"

"You know how I wasn't talking to Eliza?"


"It was because I was angry with her and I still am."

"I'm confused."

"I'm so mad at her. Why did she have to date someone like him and break up with me? I don't understand. Was I that bad? Am I as terrible as him? And I tried to get her out but she wouldn't take my help. Why wouldn't she take my help, man? I never had the chance to be mad at her breaking up with me and now it's catching up. Now I feel it. And I took it out on her. Why did it have to come out now? When she needed me the most. She was hurting and all I did was care about how I felt.

"I'm also mad at that guy. How could he hurt Eliza? How could he hurt anyone? But he gets to walk free because of some crooked cops and Eliza is left hurting. I want him to hurt as much as she did. No, I want him to hurt worse. How dare he touch the thing that is most precious to me.

"And lastly, I am so angry at myself. I should have saved her sooner. I should not have taken no for an answer..."

"Dude. You can't do that to yourself," Kyle interrupted. He brought me in for a side hug then started to pat my back.

"No. If I didn't let her break up with me and if I fought for her...she wouldn't have been here. We would be fine. Maybe happy. If I checked you and the other guys sooner than maybe it would've made a difference. I don't know." Kyle sighed next to me looked at the dirt. A pattern appeared where he drug his fingers. It was a flower.

"You can't do that. What done is done. And I know it must be funny coming from me but you did your best man and that's all that you could've done. So stop that okay. Now for you being mad at Eliza, it's okay to feel what you do. Again, that may be weird coming from me. But the thing is that you can't let it control you." Staring at Kyle, I saw a different person.

"Man, when did you go all soft on me," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"When my best friend needed me to be," Kyle smile.

"Let's go before they notice that we were gone." We walked on that dirt field side by side feeling a little better. In the sunlight, I noticed that there were tiny specks of green grass with small amounts of wildflowers decorating the field. I smiled to myself.

When we entered the hotel room, Eliza greeted us at the door.

"Where have you guys been. Kai when I woke up you were gone and I was so worried."

"We were fine. We just went for a ride," Kyle said and I smiled. Eliza wanted to say something but I gave her a hug. She flinched like she did the night before but ultimately she relaxed into me.

"Everything is fine E," I whispered to her. I felt her lean into me more and smile.


So this chapter is dedicated to ZamiraTG. Thank you for commenting and voting. I appreciate it so much.

There are two more chapters and two more dedications left. I will not be posting Thursday because I am going out for my birthday. But I will be posting TWICE on my birthday (Friday). With love.

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