15. First Time

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Eliza's POV

"Asia I am not wearing a thong!" I scream in her face. I hear George choke on something downstairs. I guess he heard what I said. Getting embarrassed I snatched the underwear from Asia. She laughed at me, getting my makeup ready.

Asia was over to help me go on my first date with Ryland. After we sent each other photos we decided to facetime. Thank God he was the person in the photo. I was so excited. 

"Shut up Ry," I said as I played with my hair. I usually do that when I was nervous. 

"I love when you call me that. Say it again."  I looked at him through the screen and bit my lip.


"Madam E?"


"Will you like to go on a date with me?"

I giggled at the thought of it. Never did I think I would be going on a date especially since I broke up with my last boyfriend two months ago. I was now officially one of those girls. You know the ones who break up with their boyfriends only to get one a day later. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Earth to Eliza. Come on let's get your makeup on." Asia started to put on light makeup for me. She was the best when it came to makeup and I wanted to look nice since it would be the first time meeting Ryland. Once she was done I looked in the mirror. I looked really good. I left my hair out, cause he like that, so my coils touched my shoulders. Man, shrinkage is real.

"You look like a million bucks. Come on. Let's get you dressed." Asia handed me a black form-fitting dress. It hugged me in all the right places and the black color was slimming. 

"You look banging," Asia said looking me up and down. I nodded in agreement with her.

"Imma go a little early," I say grabbing my keys and purse. Asia walks out with me.

"Have fun," George says as my mother huffs beside him. Lately, George has been acting more like a parent than my own mother. Maybe I misjudged him. When I was by my car I gave Asia a hug goodbye and made my way in my car. Sitting in my driveway I contemplated whether or not I should go. Truth be told I still have feelings for Kai but Ryland he helps me forget. Yeah, he can a jerk sometimes but he has my best in mind. He tells me that all the time. And to say I don't have feelings for him is lying. I do like him. And I can't keep myself tied up to Kai. He's moving on, I told him to like twelve times. So, I should move on as well.

I decided to go. As I drove to the small bistro I got butterflies in my stomach. As I was looking for parking, I saw I guy who looked like Ryland walk in. Getting excited I found some parking and rushed into the bistro. Looking around I saw him sitting at a table.

"Ma'am how may I help you?" asked the hostess. 

"I have someone waiting for me over there." She nodded at me and I walked towards him. When he saw me he stood up. I smiled at him and he gave me a chuckle back.

"I'm so glad you came. Sit," he breathed pointing to the chair across from him.

"Yeah, I am too." Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I started to sweat a little bit.

"I ordered you lemonade already. I know you said that was your favorite drink."

"Strawberry?" He shook his head and I smiled. He already knew what I liked. I was starting to feel less nervous the more time I spent with him. He put out his to hand to he hold mine. Slowly I moved my hand to his. He started to rub my hand with his thumb.

"I'm so glad that you're real." I nodded and put my hand on his cheek. He smiled at me and then I knew that he did like me. He overlooked my flaws.

"Here are your drinks. Now would you like to order," my waitress said interrupting our moment. Ryland sharply turned to her and huffed.

"Can't you see we were in the middle of something or are you blind?" he snapped.

"Sorry sir. I can come back," she responded looking a little uncomfortable.

"No, you're already here. I'll have the Blue Cheese Burger with fries."

"I'll have the chicken alfredo and a side salad," I politely said, smiling at her for good measure. She looked at me and smiled but I knew that it was forced. She scurried away from us and I looked at Ryland. He looked at me as if nothing happened and I ignored it this time. 

"You look nice tonight," he confessed. I looked at him and laughed.

"Thank you Ry."

"It sounds better when you say it in real life. Like music to my ears." I giggled and we started talking about our days. He was at work for most of the day. And I talked about Asia. Every time I would mention her he would get a little annoyed but I ignored it. She was my best friend and he's gonna have to deal with that. 

"Here is your food. Is there anything that you would like?" our waitress asked.

"Yeah. You can leave," Ryland responded. The waitress clutched her invisible pearls and so did I.

"Sir you don't have to be so rude." She made a harsh turn and walked away from our table. I looked at Ryland with disappointment but it seemed like he didn't care. I started to gather my things. Ryland, realizing what I was doing, grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going," he sneered. I looked at him with a little fear. He never talked to me that way before. 

"Away from you. You treated that poor waitress like she was the dirt on your shoe. What makes me think you won't do that to me." He looked at me and soften his grip but not his face.

"Look hear me out," he said. Hesitantly I sat back down and he let go of my arm.

"I shouldn't have been mean to her. I just don't trust people and I'm nervous so this is making it worse. And I don't really have an excuse for me acting like a dick. I'm sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair. 

"It's not me you should be saying sorry to," I scolded. He nodded his head and we are in silence. Hand in hand.  When the waitress came back she stood beside us not saying a word. I nodded to her, making her come over a little more.

"Can I take your plates?" she asked,

"Yes please," I responded looking towards Ryland. He sighed and shook his head.

"Ma'am I'm sorry for the way I behaved." She looked at him and half smiled.

"It's okay sir. Well, will that be all?"

"Just the check please." When she gave us the check Ryland paid then we went out of the bistro. Hand in hand he walked me to my car. 

"Hey Madam E?" Ryland asked. I looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"I know I was kinda a douche but I think the date went well. I wanted to meet you in person because I want to ask if you would be my girlfriend. I hope today I didn't..." he started.

"Yes, Ry. I'll be your girlfriend." He looked at me and hugged me. When he pulled pack he went in for a kiss. Leaning into him he smelt like cedarwood and cigarettes. He licked my lips and I opened them to let his tongue in. He tasted a little like cigarettes as well. When we broke apart he put his forehead to mine.

"Oh and Eliza. Don't interrupt me again."


So this was their first time meeting and they are already a couple. But they have been talking for about one month so... Anyway, I don't have a song to go with this chapter so I just put that one for know. Are you liking the daily updates? I hope so. Today I felt nice so here is a bonus chapter! I hope you like it. With love.

Do you like the relationship between Ryland and Eliza?

Should Eliza have said no?

Do you think Ryland is going to change?

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