13. Fat

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Eliza's POV

I was over at Asia's house for a change. She decided that she wanted to have a slumber party with me. I wasn't totally against the idea. It was a whole lot better than being at home. I brought over sour patch kids, gummy worms, hot Cheetos, and a box of Twinkies. She ordered pizza and brought sodas for us to indulge in. I shouldn't have been eating that but a girl needs a cheat day every once in a while.

"Which mask do you want? The rose petal or the charcoal?" Asia asked holding them up at the side of her face. 

"The rose petal one. It smells so good." I moved my body a little to get it. We applied the masks on our faces making funny faces as we did it. I looked at the black mask on her face and laughed.

"What? Do I look purty?" She posed in a funny fashion. I threw a pillow at her face and she tried to laugh. The mask was making her face a little tight, so she was a little muffled. We sat on her floor, scrolling on social media and eating the gummy worms. After our masks were set, we went to her bathroom to wash them off. 

As we sat on her floor again she got out her phone to show me this guy she has been talking to named Omar. "Isn't he fine?" she asked. I looked at him and saw his tan skin. He had a beard that wasn't long, it looked well kept. His eyes were a dark brown and his lips were a little plump. I looked at his skin and it was perfect. 

"He's cute girl," I said.

"I'm glad you think so. I met him when I was going shopping at Forever 21. He was taking his sister or something." She looked at the picture some more.

"I'm glad that you met someone. Maybe he could break your back." Asia took her pillow and threw it at me. I started laughing.

"Please not all of us is able to lose our virginity by some popular basketball player," she said smacking her lips. I blushed.

"We never did...it."

"Really? Kai never tried?"

"No he did. Multiple times but I was never ready."

"And he waited?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Girl. I heard he was so good that he has girls limping the next morning." I cringed looking away from Asia.

"Yeah, he's not just good at that." Asia popped up and scooted towards me.

"Whatcha mean E?" Asia asked.

"We didn't have sex but we did other things."

"Like what."

"He used his fingers and his tongue."

"He gave you head!" she screamed. I started to heat up, nodding my head.

"Yeah, and can you not say that. It's embarrassing."

"How was it?"

"It was good." I bit my lip cause I know he did more than good. 

"Just good?"

"Okay. He had a girl screaming bloody murder. Which was bad cause his mother was home. I had to put my hand over my mouth."

"All that just with his just his mouth?"

"Yep." I stuffed pizza in my mouth trying not to think about that day but it lowkey wasn't working.

"Girl you should have hopped on that d," Asia said, looking at her nails.

"Well, that's too late." 

"Hopefully Omar would be just as good."

"Girl he looks like he knows what he's doing." We both laugh at my remark and we start watching a movie. Asia fell asleep and I started going on Instagram. I saw that Kai posted a picture of him, a dude that I didn't know, and his ex. I looked at his comments.

kaithevibe - fun times with them

_ellen_ - have fun with you and weirdo

bluehairfreak - yeah we can have some more fun

kaithevibe - @bluehairfreak stop commenting

bluehairfreak- ya know it would be fun

The rest of the comments where thirsty girls and his friends. I clicked on Kai's username and I saw his profile. He deleted the photos of us together. I guess he finally got over me. I should be happy but it made my heart hurt.

Me: You up?

Ry: Almost always

Me: Wanna talk?

Ry: Sure? What about?

Me: Our lives

Me: I'll start

Ry: Proceed Madam E

Me: I have two older brothers. They are a year apart from me. They are traveling now. I live with my mother though we don't talk

Ry: Why?

Me: She is rude to me

Ry: Same with my mom. She's a huge bitch

Me: My dad used to be a good person to talk to but we haven't in a while and I miss him.

Ry: Why haven't you

Ry: Talk to your dad that is?

Me: I have been ignoring him and he stopped trying to reach me. The last time I talked to him was at my brothers graduation

Ry: That sucks

Me: Do you have any siblings

Ry: Nope. I'm the only child which is good cause I don't do well with others

Me: You seem so nice

Ry: I am...but only to you

Me: I am flattered

Ry: Hey we should send each other pictures of each other. 

Ry: Like tonight.

Me: Ummm

Ry: Please. We have been talking for almost a month. I think it would be a cool one month things.

Me: Okay. You first

When he sent me the picture I saw a very attractive guy. He was pale and had light curly brown hair that was a little longer in the front. His eyes were hazel and he had nice eyebrows but I noticed that one of them had two lines shaven through it. He had the pinkest lips that I've seen and they were plump. His skin was nice a smooth and his teeth were white as well. He's going to think I'm ugly, I thought.

Me: Ry I forgot to tell you something

Ry: Are you a dude?

Ry: No wonder you like Catfish

Me: No I'm a girl

Ry: Then what's wrong

Me: I'm fat

Ry: Send a pic

Me: Okay

I looked through my pictures and I sent the one that Kai took of me. The one with the ice cream cone.

Me: So?

Ry: You are kinda fat but I don't mind

That wasn't what I was hoping for. I just wish he would've called me pretty, cute, or something nice. I don't know what I expected. 

Me: At least you're honest

Ry: I still like you tho

Ry: I can overlook you being fat

Me: I like you too.


Well, we got a little more from Ryland. He is a weird one. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. With love.

Why is Ryland like that?

What should Eliza do about him?

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