Chapter 20

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Road to recovery. Beau has really improved in the last month he was in a phase of depression, but now beau is eating and you won't see him without a smile. I no longer have a step mom she understood why my dad has broken up with her.

I'm lying in beau's bed and I get a call. A call that could change my life totally. It was a record deal they want me to come to LA for a year and a half and work on my music I've been doing for a while now. I said to the offering manager id call him back. I thought about this leaving my boyfriend my family my twin how could I, but this was my dream, but so is beau. I'm paving frantically back and forth around beaus room.

"Babe are you alright?" Beau asked.

"Yeah but a record label just called me"

"So what's with the frantic pacing around?" Beau asked

"They want me to come to LA for a year"

"Oh" beau said put down

"Beau you know I couldn't leave you" I said holding his face smiling while looking in his eyes

"But this is your dream" beau said

"My dream can wait" I said giggling as I go into kissing him

"No seriously this could be a once in a life time opportunity babe" beau said

"Beau I can't my family, you-"

"I want you to do what's best for you if anything I need you, you don't need me"

"Beau I don't care I'm not doing it"

"Open your eyes this isn't gonna happen again take it or leave it but I suggest you take it because you do work at a damn sandwich shop" beau said aggressively

"Okay well who are you to make decisions for me?" I fired back getting off of beau

"No I'm just helping you make the right or smart decision"

"Beau I can make smart decisions"

"We'll no obviously you can't"

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"Maybe I am" beau said

"You're being a jerk"

"And you're being careless" beau says

"Beau how am I being careless when I would turn something down to be with my family"

"We'll think about it would you rather help your family, see them occasionally, or see your family and let them live in a box" beau said

Tears formed my eyes he was right I had a cheap job my family was poor but I wouldn't see them and what would happen to beau?

"Beau what would-"

"Baby I'll be fine I would never do anything to hurt you"

"Liar" I giggled. Beau tackled me to the floor "take it back" beau said putting his head in my neck tickling me I giggled, beau kissed my neck. Making my giggles turn into moans

"Beau" I moaned, then he started tickling me and tackled me onto bed cuddling to sleep.

"Morning" beau said in his raspy morning voice, I smiled and kissed him.

Later on I decided to call my dad and tell him the news he was so happy. Then I called back the manager and told him I accepted his deal he told me two weeks until I'll have to come to LA. Two weeks.

"Beau" I said

"Yeah babe?" Beau said wrapping his arms around me.

" I have 2 weeks" I said

"Until you go?" Beau asked upsettingly

"Yeah" I said, I saw the tears in his eyes

"Oh" beau said

"Babe I don't have to go" I said

"No I want you too live your dream babe don't let me stop you" beau said

"You're not stop-"

"I think you should go but the thing is I don't know about long distance relationships"

"Neither do I" I said

"I guess we can't be together" I said . Tear immedietly formed in beaus eyes and I started sobbing

"I can't do that to you beau we will work this out okay?" I said sobbing into his chest.

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