Chapter 13

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It's been 1 week so I have only 7 days left with Beau and luke James daniel and jai. Tonight we have dinner together with Gina. After all that we played truth or dare I felt like I've been friends with them for so long they felt like my brothers, and Beau my best friend. I love these boys. My phone started ringing it was my mom so I picked it up.


"Gotta come home now"


"Come on Beau" I said quietly tugging beaus hoodie

"Bye boys" Beau and I said in unison

Beau talked about how when I'm 18 I'll come back them when we get older we get married and have beautiful children. It brings tears to my eyes. When we got to my house it was dark beau has been staying over the past week. I went up to my room and packed more beau helped. Beau was packing a different box across the room because he was crying and didn't want me to see. I walked over to Beau and kneeled down behind him and wrapped my arms around Beau. Beaus breathing was heavy and quick his pulse quick.

"Beau..." I said Beau wiped his eyes with his sleeve and turned around revealing his red teary eyes it almost shattered my heart seeing him like this.

"Beau I-"

"It's okay you can't do anything I understand I just don't want you to go I love you" Beau said sounding like he has a cold.

"Beau you're breaking my heart" I said crying. I stood up off my knees and grabbed beaus hand and we stood up.

"I love you" Beau said

"I love you too" I said

Beau fell to his knees with his head in his hand sobbing. It felt like a million needles just stabbed my heart. I kneeled down and hugged him close. Beau sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed his back I never seen beau like this beaus so strong.

"We'll talk everyday right?" I said

"Absolutely" Beau said

Beau took my hand and kissed it where my promise ring that he gave me was

"I mean it" Beau whispered

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