Chapter 11

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I woke up with Beau I remember everything from last night it was great. Beau kept asking if i was okay and beau was so gentle.

"Good morning baby" Beau said pecking my nose. I smiled.

I got up and went to my closet and got chaned into a crop top and sweat pants. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror I blushed my hair. Beau came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're so beautiful" he said kissing my neck. I just smiled and continued doing my hair.

"I love you" he said quietly and resting his head on my shoulder. I just smiled.

I exited the bathroom and beau followed i giggled because he had nothing but underwear on.

"babe put some clothes on everyones home" i giggled touching his abs and pushing him. beau smiled and went to my closet, he stays over alot so he was stuff here.

"you want to put a shirt on?" i giggled,

"nope" beau replied.

I smiled as I look in beaus eyes beau smiled back and got lost in my eyes beau leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. After I pulled away he smiled

"I love you"

"I love you too beau"

I went downstairs to find mom cooking dinner.

"Ew beau no one wants to see that put on a shirt" Alex said I laughed, Beau sighed and ran back upstairs.

"Gianna I need to talk to you" my mom said

"Yeah?" I asked

"My boss moved my job and well we have to move back to New York" my mom said

I was upset I couldn't think my mind was blank then all I could think of was beau. Tears immediately fill my eyes. I wasn't upset at my mom or anyone just the thought of not seeing beau was upsetting. I forgot Beau was upstairs and ran right to me.

"Baby what's wrong" Beau said wrapping his arms around me tightly as I sobbed into his chest.

"I-I have to go b-back to New York" I said, crying into his chest. Beau started rubbing my back I could tell beau was upset to I could hear him sniffling. Beau let go of me and looked at me

"Stay with me"


"Live with me, me and the boys will take care of you" Beau said

"Beau I-I can't" I said

"Ask please" Beau said

"Fine" I said. Beau pecked my lips and I went downstairs.



"Uhm, do I have to come back?"

"I guess not" she said

"Can I stay with Beau?"


My heart shattered.


"I don't like the thought of you living with a boy, 3 for that matter" she said


"Gianna no"

I was almost heartbroken I ran upstairs and crashed in beaus arms and hugged him so tight I screamed into his chest.

"Beau I don't wanna go, I don't" I yelled

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do" Beau said almost heartbroken

"I love you so much beau" I said calmer

"I will always love you more" Beau said

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