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I came to the room and saw him shivering bad. He was unconscious too. I got scared because till yesterday night he was all okay. I went near him and touched his forehead. That's when I realised that he was burning with fever. I was shit scared because his temperature was very high. Till yesterday night he was all okay what happened in just a night that he's having this high fever. I checked the AC temperature and it was really low. Then I remembered bhai telling me his habit. He took a cold shower at night then slept bare without drying himself and decrease the temperature of AC this led to him having such high fever. Why this guy has to trouble me so. I realised then that I was continuously crying. I quickly ran and went to kitchen to bring a water bowl and a cloth. I reached the room and sat beside him he was murmuring things. I removed his clothes and gave him a sponge bath which reduced his temperature a bit he stopped shivering as I switched the AC off. His temperature reduced to 103°F. I couldn't even give him medicine because he was unconscious. But he was still murmuring something I couldn't figure out what. I then made him wear his clothes again and started to put cold strips on his head. Anfter 2 hours or so I stopped that and again checked his temperature which had now reduced to 101°F. That was a okayish temperature so I went of to make him some soup which he could drink once he's conscious. He was stable now a bit. I didn't do anything. I just waited for him to wake up so that I give him medicine which would bring back his temperature to normal one.

I finished preparing food and went to the room with it covering it with a lid so that I didn't cool down. When I reached I saw him sleeping so I let him sleep. I again checked his temperature it was still the same but thats okay because he would be all okay once he had that medicine.


Yesterday night she left and I slept all cold to forget her. I don't know what happened after that. I just remember waking up with a severe headache. I checked the time it was 4 in the evening. What the fuck why didn't anyone wake me up. And how the hell did I sleep so much. I tried getting up but couldn't as I was having worst body ache. So I just closed my eyes. After sometime I heard someone entering. Thinking it to be Karen I prepared myself to scold her. But when I opened my eyes i saw Nandini. What is she doing here. I thought she might won't ever come back and I had this thing on my mind the whole time.

"Thank God you finally woke up. Do you even know you were burning. Damn it was so difficult to bring your temperature down." She said coming in. There goes another shock she took care of me even after the words that I had thrown at her yesterday night. What is this girl why is she so good. Why can't she stop caring about people. This nature of hers is just pulling meore towards her and hurting me.

"I had fever" i asked the most idiotic thing even when she said that it was difficult to bring my temperature down.

"What do you think when I said it was difficult to bring your temperature down." She said coming near me. She took something out of the drawer. " Here have this you'll feel better." She said handing me a medicine. Yuck that medicine I really don't want to have that.

"I don't want that shit give me something else but not that" I said making faces. She looked at me and was shocked by my behaviour.

" Have it or I'll force you" she said putting her hands on her hips looking damn cute. She was wearing crop top and shorts looking so fucking cute. Well I had no other option so I took the medicine and had it. She gave me a glass. I drank it and made faces after I had gulped the medicine with the water. When she looked at me she want all awe. Then she gave me a soup which again I didn't want to have but I kept quiet because I knew she was going to feed me that anyhow. When I was small I never liked fever just because I had to drink the stuffs. Nandini was just behaving like Aunt Isabella just forcing me to have that yuck things. I didn't protest and a bite. Oh damn that tastes good.

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