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A month passed, their routine continued. In the morning they used work and at night he used to have her. She knew him better now and she had some different feeling towards him. She didn't know what exactly it was.

One morning Manik was sleeping putting all his weight on Nandini. She woke and saw him sleeping like a baby on her. Just when she was busy admiring him she felt nauseous and she just pushed him which made him fall off the bed. She ran into bathroom and bent to throw out everything. This was seen by Manik. He just got up and entered the washroom making an disgusting face.

Manik : you are going to clean this in 5. I need to have a bath as I have an early morning meeting

Nandini made a shocked plus angry face. As soon as he left she started cursing him

Nandini : ek toh here I was puking everything out I'm not well and this man saw all but still... mimicking him... You are going to clean this in 5 bhalai ka zamana hi nahi raha monster kahika huh chal Nandu you have to clean this in 5 or monster jaag jaega.

She then came out and saw her pale face and she also looked a bit weak her eyes look dull not the usual with enthusiasm and excitement. He cursed himself for giving her to clean even though she wasnt feeling good. He wanted to see those bright eyes not the dull one. This was how he used to push her even though there were many servants in the mansion yet he used give her such work. To show that he never had, never will a soft corner towards her. But today she was feeling all pale and dull.

Manik : what happened why did you throw up everything.

Nandini : maybe ate something wring yesterday.

Manik : please do get over eating such outside foods because soon you're gonna have my baby and I want my baby healthy not malnutritioned like you

Though he exaggerated but it was true she was very thin. And this thing was bothering him so he used to taunt her every now and the about her figure.

Manik: don't go.to the hospital if you aren't feeling well.

Nandini : no I m fine now and I will get checked as to what went wrong.

Manik: hmm okay

They both had showed separately and went for their respective work. Manik first dropped her and then used to go to his work.

At the hospital, Afternoon

Nandini and Navya were sitting in the cafeteria and Navya was eating her food.

Navya : Nandu eat something baba abh kya gayab hona hai

Nandini : I m not in a mood to eat anyways I threw up everything this morning so he said not to eat bahar ka.

Navya : threw up when will you tell what did you have.... ( she kept on blabbering worriedly)

Nandini : arre I m fine it's just like morning sickne... wait a second did I just say morning sickness. ( Saying this she just got and ran away)

Navya : arre Rukh kaha jaa Rahi hai

Nandini : to have my check up I think I m pregnant.

Navya :tu kaise bol Sakti hai yeh

Nandini : today morning I threw everything up I was feeling dull and low last days I m having it toh it's proved. Anyways why m I running away Navy just check my pulse and tell.

Navya checked her pulse and gave a shocked look which confirmed that according to her pulse she was pregnant but they had to do a final test so they both rushed towards the pathology lab and being doctors they had that permission to enter and get a report ready withing minutes. The reports confirmed the news. Nandini just had tears in her eyes she was happy and was even more happy imaging Maniks reaction. Unknowingly her hand reached he abdomen and she caressed the part where her baby would be. It was her first time of course. She had also started feeling for the father she admitted that but didn't what exactly it was. She decided to talk about it with Navya after telling Manik the news. But the question is how will she tell should she make it a special news or should tell him directly.

Navya : so when are you going to tell him

Nandini : of course today this what I m for with him( she got some tears ) but I should accomplish the goal I m with him for. What should I do shall make special or I should tell him normally

Navya : I think you should make it special even though he is a bit rude but this is a big news for him too so I think you should make it special.

With this they both started to think about what things may make Manik Malhotra feel special that which is in their budget. After sometime she got an idea. She called the cake shop ordered a cake with his favourite blueberry in it and had a special message written over it. She left the hospital early,messaged him that she's leaving early as she's not feeling well and after reaching the mansion decorated the balcony area with whatever came in hand. She didn't how he will react whether he'll shout or not she knew that he wanted her to tell simply, but somewhere she knew that by doing these things she might make him feel special. This was her first but this was his first too and may be last too according to her but destiny had something else written for them.

There at the office Manik war getting worried after reading her message as she write she wasn't feeling well so she left early. In the morning too she was looking pale and low. After reading her message he wasn't able to concentrate so he too left early.
Yippie the news is out she's pregnant the thi g Manik wanted. The way she's gonna tell him is in next part with description. And yeah it might not be upto the mark soo. The decoration and message stuff in next part Maniks reaction would be not thought of.

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