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2. Beta Say What?

"I want you." He stated. His eyes burning into my flesh. He made me sick.

I stare at him. "Even if you wanted me. I'm not your mate -"

"You don't know that yet, your birthday isn't for four days." He stated, looking in my eyes. Glaring slightly.

"Does your wolf want me?" He looked taken aback by my question. He turned away from me, causing my anger to skyrocket.

"No. My wolf doesn't want you. But in this day and age people reject their mates and go to someone else. No one cares about their wolves wishes anymore. We chose who we want. And I chose you, so res -"

"Shut the hell up." I said. He annoyed me to no end. I liked it better when he was my Alpha. Not my Alpha trying to be my lover. "I will never respect your decision. I will never mate you. I will never bare your children. I don't want to be your mate when there is a woman out there made for you. I don't know how people can just reject their mate, or choose someone to mate with when they haven't found their mate."

He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "Is this because of my Beta?" He asked. Some people already knew about my crush on Axel, except for Axel. He's quite oblivious.

I blushed, looking toward Axel. Sending my discomfort, "Excuse me, Alpha. I shall be on my way. See you Alpha and future Luna." I glared at him for calling me that but Axel only smirked.

I waited awhile, until he footsteps cease to exist. "It's because that fact that anyone in this house could be my mate. Even your Beta." I said.

"If anyone could be your mate in this house couldn't it be me, also?" He questioned me.

"Of course." I replied, with fake sweetness. He smiled and I mentally gaged.

"Can I leave now?" I asked, annoyed. He looked annoyed, but at the moment no one was as annoyed as me. He sighed, "Sure, Luna Arielle." I groaned.

What is with everyone adding Luna to my name. I don't appreciate that. I raise my middle finger and he only chuckled. "When?" He only asked.
"When you're the size of my pinky. We all know that you are the smallest of all Alpha's." I state, leaving the room.


Once, during Halloween time I went to where the humans lived. They were talking about werewolves when I approached them. Mocking them, shall I say.

"How can you tell you have a stupid werewolf?" A boy with shaggy dirty blonde hair asks the group. Which has three girls and two boys.

I waited for one to answer, which no one did. "If they howl at a cup of milk." The boy laughed at his joke as if it was the funniest thing he ever heard. The rest of the group just stared at him.

"Okay. Here's another one. What do call a hairy beast with clothes on?" He asked once he calmed down. Still no one answered but just stared.

"A wear-wolf." He laughed louder than before. At least two more of the people in the group laughed, but it wasn't funny.

"What do you call a hairy beast that's lost?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, coldly. He was annoying. Mocking us, like we were some joke. He stared at me then blushed.

"A, um. A where-wolf." No one laughed.

"What is your name? Full name?" I asked him. He stared at me, his blush reaching his ears to the tip.

"Alfred Florence Nelson." Everyone laughed at his name, even I chuckled.

"What do you call a nerdy, pimple faced boy with no life. Who spends all his time watching anime, maybe porn, and playing video games, who never once spoke to a girl. Who spends time mocking supernatural beings with unfunny jokes?" I ask him.

He swallowed uncomfortably. "I - I don't know..." He stuttered.

"An Alfred Florence Nelson." Everyone chuckled at him causing his face to turn cherry red. I was mean for one I said but, so was he. Even though most people didn't know about us supernatural beings, being real.

I walked away, not just any 'I walked away.' No, I walked away, like a boss.


That memory always keeps me laughing and at a time like this, I needed it.

You know what I really hate?

My Alpha? Nah.
My life? Nope.
Hunger? I do, but not at the moment.

I hate high heels. My mother just told me, 'Dear. The Alpha just informed us that he is throwing at party, in your honor.'

I threw up and told my mom "I can't go, I'm too sick," I cough. "Please send the Alpha my regrets."

But my acting skills were terrible (I'm guessing) because I was still forced to come. And even worse, I had to wear a blue dress, so Dolton and I can match.

The dress was beautiful but I didn't want to match with Dolton. It was blue with crystals on the chest part of the dress, it was tight until it went to the waist then it flowed. I had to wear four inch high silver heels.

Dolton brought the whole thing.

But my hair was flowing down and in curls."I am here to bring the Luna down." Axel said. I walked down the stairs, slowly.

Axel's eyes widen, "Beautiful you look, Luna."

"Beta say what?" Even though I knew what he was saying.

"I mean, you look beautiful. Luna." He said. Then we walked out the house, him like a gentlemen and me like a boss.


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