Axel Has A Thing For The Witch

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Axle Has A Thing For The Witch

I didn't exactly know that I was a witch. Part of me did, the other part thought I was just a powerful ass wolf. My mother used to tell me stories of a powerful witch who gave her powers up because she was in love with the enemy.

I put pieces together, how her mother hated us, called monsters, basically disowned us. I understood. I read somewhere in a old book, that when too much stress was on a witch, their powers went haywire, and it turns out, that's what happen to me.

All the Axel and Dolton shit, had me so stressed that I switched bodies with him. My powers were slipped mainly because it was my first time using them and barely know how to control them.

I slowly opened one eye. Then both, realizing I was alone besides another, a girl.

And Damn, she was ugly. I got closer to her, and moved her hair out her face. Oh, it's me that's why she's go ugly. I sighed, that's depressing.

"Axel, wake your sorry ass up!" I yelled. Damn, this motherfucker, I wanted to kill him and kiss him at the same time, see my dilemma?

Hot motherfucker.

"Ouch." I heard him - her - I said.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. I looked at him and sighed.

"Well, when I opened my eyes after being in the shower I realized that instead of seeing my usual long sausage, I seen a vagina. So really, I'm not okay. Not even in the slightest." He said, looking at the ground, then back to me.
"Well, my life hasn't been so peachy either. Firstly, I found out that I'm not only a werewolf, but no - I'm also part witch. So sorry.." I tell him as if, I owed him an explanation.

"Wait, where have I been -" He starts.
"Well, in my body..." I mumble.

"-to not know that you're a witch, well part witch?" He finished.

"Listen, I might know a few ways to get out of here." I say to him.

"Spill then." His eyes flick to the ground and my - his - face.

"We could at my bestie on Twitter, and she could get help with me just turning on my location, I'm sure she has WiFi here, correct?" He nods his head.

"Or, we can shift... but the doors are metal, never mind." I cry, a little bit. "I'm all out of ideas now. Damnit! Fuck!" Angry tears spill from my eyes.

"Maybe your newfound magically ability..." He suggested.

I made my signature poker face, "Ok. Right.." I crack my knuckles.

"Let's see, fire fire come my way and break this door away." I angrily said, focusing. I opened one of my closed eyes, nothing happen.

"I knew it, I fucking knew it. Only rhyming words work in books, movies, or fucking shows. Damnit!" I cursed.

"Calm down, sexy face. Focus and think, clear your mind and believe in yourself." Axel said to me.

What the fuck did he think that would do. Those lame ass
' believe in yourself' speeches only worked in movies and shows!

But, of course I listened to my mate. I evened out my breathing and thought about how badly I wanted this door to be down, I felt Axel squeeze my hand and I almost busted from happiness, and then I heard a big bang.

I opened my eyes and the door was gone.


Axel and I walked through the house, it was eerily silent. But the good thing was that we switched our bodies back finally.

I grew very proud of my abilities.

I was going to beat this bitch and enjoy ever moment of it.

But then something happened.

Axel, he and I was thirsty - for something to drink. And he started acting weird - after we drank a drink, we were looking for her. She was hiding her scent and it was like Axel knew where she was.

We walked through a door, I was tip-toeing, though her hearing was superb.

And suddenly my view was flipped upside down.

And Axel was standing next to that bitch.


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