Beta Who?

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1. Beta Who?

The day I met Axel was when I was ten. It was my tenth birthday, he and his family came running from the forest - ripped clothes, scars, breathing rather hard, and barefooted.

They explained how their pack was attacked at midnight. "Help! Please, I - we need a place to stay." The mother said, begging. Dropping to her knees.

The Alpha allowed her and her family of 3 to stay. We allowed them to attend my birthday party. I already didn't like the small boy named, Axel. He didn't say one word to anyone. When he seen me, he cried.

Then his mother and father looked at me too and back to their son, whispering and he nodded, tears in his eyes.

I already hated him.

He talked to me a day later, "Sorry, Arielle. I didn't mean to cry. Happy birthday." He gave me a present, a necklace (which I still have). It was silver, and had small diamonds. A large silver 'A' was hanging from the chain.
I thanked him. It was a nice gift and I wore it, almost everyday.

Axel has a crush on me.

Oops, I meant had. At a point - two months after my birthday - he started following me. Not following as in, "Just walking my girlfriend home." It's as in, "I'm not ( but really is) an obsessed guy, who's madly in love with my girlfriend. I have to protect and watch her at all times. Morning and or night."

Once I always made it to our home door, I would slam the door in his face. Now children, most of you are probably thinking, 'Don't you like him?' Well, actually at this point I didn't like him, as boyfriend material.

I thought of him as, a friend. Who am I kidding! I thought of him as a effing stalker! He was handsome, funny, and sweet, basically he had all the traits I was hoping for in a dream guy.
But at this age, I didn't know.

Then we were twelve, then my crush for my bestfriend developed. Yeah, over the two years, we grew to loving each other. His crush on me stopped as soon as I started crushing on him.

This girl wanted to ask Axel out, I told her that if she did "I am going to tell everyone you stuff your bra with pads, just so they'll look bigger. And, then I'm gonna kick you so hard, you will continue to be on your period everyday until you're one-hundred-eighty-five."

I know, I know I should've kicked her that very day, but hey I was being nice. So this other girl asked Axel was he single because of how close we are. Okay, I know his exact words because I was stalking him. I was hiding in the tree wearing this cloth that masked your scent.

"Arielle? She's like a sister to me, I would never date her. She looks like my older sister, Arye." (Air-I)

And that gentlemen and (as we all know) ladies. Is why Axel only wanted to be my bestfriend. And (sadly) nothing more.


After my yelling, I had a disney princess moment. Throwing myself on the first thing I saw, which was my little sister's toy chest. Okay so, my eye hurts. And I'm icing it right now.

"Sweetie. You should be happy that the Alpha chose you as his mate." My dearest mother spoke.

"Dearest mother, you don't understand that I don't like the Alpha. I like the Beta! Every girl always wants and mates with the Alpha. I don't want to also be that girl! I want to be with the Beta!" I nearly shouted at her.

She smiled muttering something about "Young teenage, one-sided love." I glared at her back, as she walked away.

"Well on Monday we'll find out, right mother?" I said, angry clear in my voice.

A knock was at the door. I sighed and went for the door. "Who's there?" I asked.

"Beta." He said, that sexy voice voice. Again, twice in one day. I must be lucky.

"Beta who?" I questioned. Waiting for his respond.

"Beta open this door, right now." He said, his voice growing huskier and deeper.

"Fine, fine, fine." I muttered, twisting the door knob and opening the door to be faced with Axel. He was still dressed (handsomely; I must add) in his suit from the Courting.

He bend slightly, causing me to groan. "Future Luna, the Alpha request you to -"

"No! You can tell the Alpha," I mocked. "That I will tear his balls off - painfully may I add - and feed them to a hungry wolf!" I shouted.

"Arielle Melissa WaterCrest," Oh gosh the full name card, I'm dead. Please Lord forgive my mother! "Your little sisters are in the room, language please!" Her eyes widen slightly, meaning 'This will be handed later, right now I'm making cookies.' Okay so I may have added the lady part because I could smell the aroma of Chocolate Chip cookies.

"Now be a good little Luna and go to the Alpha." She spoke to me like I was a small child, just learning about my werewolf abilities. Which I am not.

I will be seventeen in -wait, one, two, thr...- four days! She makes me want to suck her blood. Well, y'know if I was a vampire I would, for us werewolves it's a battle to see who can be beaten into submission. Which might be me, since she just can pack a good slap. But then again, she's getting old.

I sighed and walked out of the room, "But if it's about mating, then I have the right to rip his balls off and feed them to hungry wolves, right?"

She looked at me, "Yup."


The Alpha's door to his office was black. Black like the - nevermind. Black like black.

I opened the door instead of knocking. "What do you want?" I yawned. I narrowed my eyes as he spun his chair around and faced me.

"I want you."


Like the Cover? My little brother helped, he's nine.

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