Chapter 3: Unbelievable!

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"What the?!" I said inside my head. "What's goin on?"

"What are you doing here so late?" the voice said quietly. "Don't you know it's very dangerous to be lingering here at this time?" The person removed a hand from my mouth so I could speak.

"Why do you care? Who are you?" I shouted and tried to the kick the person.

The person didn't answer but instead lead me somewhere. Suddenly, the person switched on the lights and let me go. I turned to face the person, but my vision was getting blurry so I passed out.


"Hey hey! Wake up!" it's the same voice who kidnapped me said as the person tries to slap my cheeks.

I blinked my eyes so fast then pressed it shut once more then open it. There, I could see a handsome guy kneeling beside me. He had this golden-brown locks, bronze eyes, and a half worried expression on his face. I quickly stood up, "Who are you and why'd you do that?"

"Sorry, just messin with you. Forgive me," he smiled then added the most familiar word. "Slick?"

"Slick? Where have I heard that before?" I thought. Oh no, wait! Don't tell me.

"Cl-Clyde?!" I exclaimed. I can't distinguished if I'm mad or excited to see him. It's been years. "You're the new student?"

"Isn't it obvious with the way I dress? Get up before your parents will scold you," he said coolly. He's right. I'm in uniform and he's dressed in a white shirt inside and covered up by a checkered jacket. "Bye Slick." He turned around and walked away from me. What's with the arrogant attitude? And why does he act as if I'm the one who has done him wrong? I scratched him off my mind and continued doing the scrubbing. As I started scrubbing, I heard footsteps again. It's Clyde again.

"Go home," he tapped my head. "I'll take care of this."

What does he mean? He's a new student. What can he do? "But-" before I could finish my sentence, he pushed me out of the way.

"To house!" he pointed to the door. I was just surprised by his actions so I ran and left him.


"How's project?" Mom asked me while tapping her fingers on the coffee table. She was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her other hand.

"Mom, you would never believe this but, Clyde is in my school!" I avoided her question hoping she'd buy it.

"THE Clyde Williams? Your childhood best frie-"

"Enemy," I corrected her. "He was always teasing me so I hated him."

"That's nice! Assist him, alright?" she smiled.

"Alright?" I said but I think I won't be able to fulfill that request.

"Anyway, about the project Janna told me about?" she insisted. Now, I'm dead.

I couldn't answer because lying would just make Janna in trouble and when I tell the truth, I'm dead. So I let her make the conversation.

She just sighed heavily and put her tea down on the coffee table, "I don't want to get stressed so just go up to your bed."

"Sorry Mom," I apologized and turned away from her. Dad met me half way the stairs and mouthed, "What happened?" but I just smiled and shook my head as he pat my head and went downstairs.

~Next Day~

I'm at my locker, waiting for Janna and River to arrive. I texted them that I needed some time alone to go to school today since a lot has been running through my head now. Finally, they arrived. River was looking crazy with fresh cool brown and spiky hair. "Whaddup, mate?" he nudged my shoulder. "You look sad."

I was about to answer when Clyde came towards me. I waved at him but he just ignored me. What the heck? To my surprise, his locker is beside mine. He busily unloaded some stuffs from his bag to his locker while the three of us had our eyes fixed on him. I could tell he's annoyed by his constant tsk's and aah's. Finally, he spoke. "Have you guys never seen a guy transferring things before?"

"We just wanted to say hi," Janna spoke up.

"I'm waiting," he leaned his shoulder on his locker.

"C'mon guys!" I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait," Janna said. "River, say hi!"

I looked at River and saw him put on his ever famous "fake" smile as he extended his hand towards Clyde. "Welcome to Eagle High, buddy! My name's River." 

"Clyde," he said and slung his jacket over his shoulder and walked away from us. River drew back his ignored hand gesture.  

"Arrogant fellow," River snorted. "I think I'm gonna like him." 

I can't tell if it was a sarcasm so I just dragged River along with me to class while Janna tagged along. Class was boring but good thing Janna and I were passing notes to each other. We were playing a game in that paper. It made class less boring. 


"Don't you think he's cute?" Janna asked me while we were walking down the hallway. I was kinda down River couldn't join us because there was this girl who needed to talk and I was feeling jealous.  

"Oh heck no," I answered quickly even though I know he's not ugly. I just hate to admit that he IS handsome, but not as handsome as River.  

"Really?" Clyde's head popped in front of me. He was leaning outside his classroom's window.  

I was embarrassed while Janna just stands there looking at the both of us.  

"Yeah, I think you're not cute. You're ugly," I said in his face. 

"Mhhmm? If you say so, uglier," he stuck out his tongue at me and he cringed back his head to his classroom to read his pocket book.  

Janna was giving me a "teasing" look. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Coach Nolie appeared in front of me. "You're in a big trouble, Rose!" 


"Come with me," she dragged my arm from Janna's hold.  

"Blaire!" Janna called out to me.  

"Don't come, have fun without me!" I tried my best to give her a convincing laugh and smile.  

Coach Nolie dragged me to a room full of televisions. Televisions for the school's cctv.  

"What's this for?" I asked her.  

"See for yourself!" she pointed to a tv monitoring the gym. The date was yesterday. I saw Clyde picked up the toothbrush I left because he told me to and continued my unfinished job.  

"What's the meaning of this? Letting the new student clean up your mess?" she said out loud. "How irresponsible could you be, Rose?!" 

I didn't look at her nor say anything to her because whatever explanation I give her, she would always find a way to contradict it.  

"Not talking, huh?! Then since you like cleaning up stuffs, clean all the classrooms in the 3rd floor!"  

"Are you kidding me?! This is abuse!" I shout at last.  

"Try selling me out to the principal and I would tell all your bad doings to this school to your parents." 

Tears started to fall like raindrops from my cheeks. These are tears of so much anger. She saw me crying so she left me alone here, in this room. I can't believe this is happening.

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