Chapter 14: Something's Fishy

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The beach was crowded with people. The weather's hotter than usual that I could get a heat stroke out of this heat. Janna was begging me to buy another bikini with her.

"But, eeh," I pointed out to the sun.

"Please? Please? Please? Today's the last day of fun," she pleaded. "Tomorrow, we're going back to hell. By hell, I mean school."

"Riight," I nodded. "Okay then!"

"Terrifs!" she squealed. We went to the same store, and I picked out an aztec designed bandeau. Janna's eyes were shining like diamonds when she saw my bandeau. She searched and searched and finally found something. Surprisingly, it's a tankini.

"Your time to shine," she said before I could comment.

"You sure? Because I was under peer pressure and I'm still not comfortable with the idea wearing this," I held out the bandeau. "Wanna switch? Because I'd be glad to."

"No thanks, it's nice to wear your kind of style once in awhile,"

"What do you mean 'my style'? "

"The conservative style," she winked. "C'mon, let's get these outfits!"


"Wanna try surfing?" River said as soon as we got out of the bikini store.

"Sure thing," Janna exclaimed.

I quickly shook my head, "I guess I'll just relax under the sun."

"Great! So it's settled, only River and I are going surfing," she said happily. I suddenly felt jealous by her statement, as if she was trying to tell me that she likes River. Wait, that's not possible, right? So I just smiled helplessly.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Blaire?" River asked once more. I wanted to say yes but I don't know why my heart keeps racing so I just shook my head again.

"Well, okay then," he said. River rented the surf boards while Janna and I were in the dressing room putting on our bikinis. As I went out, I can't help but to feel conscious. Burly guys with sand-colored hair was eyeing me from top to bottom. Guys around my age lowered down their sunglasses just to wink at me. That's when I realized this bandeau was a little bit too overexposed. I look down at the floor and let my hair cover my face. Suddenly, a towel was placed on me. As I turn to look up, I saw...Clyde.

"Cover up," he said silently but in a firm voice.

I threw the towel back at him and he caught it gracefully. "I don't need your help!" I said angrily. "I'm perfectly fine!"

He placed it gently around me but I shrug it off, "Go away, Clyde! I don't need you! Get the hell out of my face!"

When I looked at him, his honest and helpful eyes saddened, as if he was hurt. I admit, the words I've said were very harsh. But what difference did it make? I was just getting even from what he did to me awhile ago. His expression suddenly became hard and emotionless. "Fine, do what you want!" He slung the towel on his shoulder and walked away. I just felt a pang of guilt inside my heart. Janna came out of her dressing room looking cute in a tankini.

"I don't get why you like wearing this kind of bikini. It's too-"

"Conservative, I get it," I snapped. "I don't like this style too."

"Woah, what's with the attitude? Did something happen while I was gone?" she asked, a little bit alarmed with the tone I just gave her.

"I'm sorry, just the heat maybe," I touched my forehead. "Let's go, River's probably waiting for us."

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