Chapter 1: My Life

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Our trigonometry class ended well and it's already dismissal. For the first time in my entire life, I enjoyed it because the whole period we were just given free time. It's because our teacher took a day off because of the "hardwork" she's been giving. Janna, I, and everly-handsome River just babbled about our outing this coming weekend.

"So it's settled. Time: 11am til 8pm, meeting place: Garden Plaza, when: tomorrow and transportation: Janna's car?" I asked.

"Yeah," River answered which made my heart flutter. River is my crush ever since I moved in to this city. He's also my guy best friend. Suddenly, Janna's huge van stopped near the curb.

"Hop on you two!" she said and got in first.

"After you," River gestured his hand towards the door.

"Thank you Ribs but you can go in first," I said nicely.

"You're so kind," he replied. "But I insist!"

"Just get on!" Janna shouted impatiently inside

the car, and both of us went in obediently. Janna has a short temper but I know to handle her attitude. I don't know how but I just know. But Janna's a great friend. She accompanies me and River at all times. Janna's mom allows us to use their van during outings, excursions, and every after dismissal. She was only kind for that aspect because the rest, she's pure evil-well, that's what Janna keeps telling us.

"Blaire! Time to hop off!" Janna said.

"M'kay!" I slid open the car door and said goodbye.

"How's school, Blaire?" Dad asked as he clanked the spoon in the rim of the bowl.

"Trigo class went well,"

"Oh?" Mom exclaimed. "Now you like math?"

"No, 's because that's the only period we were given free time."

"So, tomorrow's Sunday...anywhere you wanna go?" Mom asked as she swirled a number of strands of the pasta in her fork.

"Oh about that..."

"You planned an outing with your friends without letting us know?" Mom asked. I detected a slight irritation in her voice.

"Delilah, not now. Not in front of the food," Dad interrupted us. Dad's my lifesaver! I shot him a look when Mom wasn't looking and he gave me a small smirk. He extended his knuckles under the table and I returned mine to his. After dinner, Mom and I continued our conversation in the living room.

"Mom! Please let me hang out with my friends tomorrow! It's the only day they're available!" I pleaded.

"Hmm...when have I heard that excuse before? Let me recall...oh I've got it! Like everytime you plan an outing?" Mom said sarcastically which just made me mad in the inside. I can't afford to get grounded before the outing. I have to extend my patience a little more.

"C'mon Mom! I just wanted to have fun, please? You only live once," I crossed my arms and beneath my arms, my fingers are also crossed too.

"Tsk, fine," Mom shook her head. "Do whatever you want." She turned away from me and went inside our library to read her romance novel.

~Next Day~

Beep beep beep! The van of Janna sounded in our driveway. I'm all dressed up and ready to go. I kissed Dad and Mom goodbye and went inside the car as quickly as I can. I found River beside Janna. "Morning!" Janna said as I sat beside her. "Bet you haven't had breakfast?"

"You know me too well," I winked. "I don't wanna get sermons early in the morning."

"We'll get something to eat on the way, don't worry," Janna told me.

We stopped by in a hotdog place and grabbed ourselves each a hotdog. River paid for my share since I don't want to waste my money for the food. I'm planning to waste them on a new pair of gladiator shoes. Janna was kind of pouting when River did that maybe because she wasn't treated. Anyway, we went to the arcade, played Bingo, and finally we're down to the mall. River got himself a new pair of chucks. Janna bought a neon pink leather jacket while like I said, I settled on a camel-colored gladiator shoes.

We passed by small stalls inside the mall. We saw flowers were sold, fruits were also being sold, and jewelries. "Want some ice cream you two?" River asked. "Janna, my treat?"

Janna nodded happily. "Sorry, we're making you bankrupt," I apologized.

"It's aryt, you two are always like this anyway," he replied. "Sometimes, you just gotta have to get used to it." He smirked and we passed by the fruit stall before we got to the ice cream vendor.

While I was passing by, I accidentally bumped the stool in the fruit stall where it held apples. "Oh my dear! I'm so sorry!" I frantically yelled as I picked up the apples & put them back where I found them. The logos of the apples wrote "Tickle Fruit Farm." I suddenly remembered my childhood friend Clyde; it was their farm. I wonder what's he doing now.

"Hello there," a deep voice said behind me.

"I'm sorry I bumped your stall," I apologized. It was the fruit vendor.

"It's alright, at least you apologized and put them back where they belong," he smiled. "Here's an apple!"

"No thank-"

"Take it," he took my hand and placed an apple on it. "They are very delicious."

"Yes, I know. Thanks!" I shoved the apple inside my bag after I lost sight of the vendor and finally approached River and Janna. River was about to hand me my ice cream but Janna took it and hand it to me instead.

"Vanilla flavor!" Janna exclaimed to me. "Your fave?"

"Not exactly but since it's free, I might as well savor the moment!" I laughed then everyone laughed.

Janna's van dropped me at my house at eight. River accompanied me until my doorstep. My heart going gaga. It's like I wanna jump in front of him. "Good night!" I suddenly blurted out. I didn't mean to shout.

"Ok? See you on Monday!" he said shyly as he placed his hands inside his jeans' pockets.

I went in and closed the door in front of his face and regretted that I did it. My parents saw me come in so I greeted them and went directly upstairs. As I shut the door close behind me, I was dropped dead on my bed and let the night take me away.


Sorry guys, this was kind of boring but I promise to do better on the next chapter! But still, I wanna hear your comments. Feel free to leave them! would appreciate it if you guys did :) ciao!

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