Chapter 24: Another Competition

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"Ok, THAT'S ENOUGH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH. Geez, tame down, Slick!" Those words kept on echoing and echoing in my head. I pinched and slapped myself to make sure I am awake at this time. Leaning out the window, I could only make out features of his sun-kissed hair among the shady green leaves.

"Are you kidding me? Clyde? Is that you?" I shouted.

"Way to go, Slick!" he finally decided to show himself from the tree. First, revealing his dark blue Converse which is now covered with olive green nail polish courtesy by moi.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, just hangin' around," he went for a lame joke but came out to be actually funny to me but I still tried my best not to stifle a laugh.

I signaled for him to come down. "I'll be right there." I quickly wore my cardigan so my camisole won't be revealed much. The snowball is still fast asleep and I prayed a silent prayer that it won't bark. I tiptoed through the house then went out our backyard and spot Clyde dusting off his shirt and pants. His back was facing me so he doesn't see me scanning him from head to toe. He was already wearing his homey t-shirt and shorts. As my footsteps got louder by the time I reached him, he faced me with pink cheeks.

"So what brings you here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I just wanted to see you." He replied simply. My heart skipped a beat.

"Well, here I am," I answered. Well, this is awkward. "I can't stay long I have some things to take care of." By things I mean, Puppy inside my bag which would make noise anytime soon. And I'd be deadmeat when Mom finds out. The awkward silence just stretched longer so I decided to end it. 

"I didn't know you were serious that you really just wanted to see me so I gotta go..." I was half way through our back door when he suddenly caught my arm and something jolted through my veins. Stupid veins. I think I need to go to the doctor next week. I gave him a look.

"Can we talk?" he asked then pointed to the roof part which is just beside my window. 

"We are talking on the roof?" I asked confused. What kind of ridiculous idea is this?

"Yes. We are talking up there. Go to your room and climb up there. It's just a few climbs beside your window."

It is ridiculous but I kinda liked it. It's cute. Up in the rooftop talking about who-knows-what  with Clyde. It kinda seemed like it's........romantic. "Sure, just give me a sec!" Then I went up to my room as fast as I can. When I got to my room, I was lucky that Poof is still sleeping like an angel. (Yes, I've decided to call her Poof).

When I reached the rooftop, Clyde was already there sitting and looking at the stars ahead of us. When I got near him, he gave me a space for me to seat beside him and I'm not sure if I've seen him blush but probably not. Probably...just in my imaginations. "Sure is pretty looking at the stars, huh?" He suddenly spoke up and I was suddenly brought back to earth. I realized that I had been looking at him for who-knows-how-long. I hope he hasn't noticed.

"Why were you looking at me? Am I just too cute?" He teased me and my cheeks finally heated up. "Apple?" He tossed me one and I catched it with my two hands. And then the next thing I know, memories came flashing back to me when we were still kids. Our memories in our apple tree, where we used to hang out and play. And that one memory that is still so clear to me until now. It was in our apple tree where I got mad and always complained to him that why he was calling me Slick and Red Head. He said that the only way for him to stop calling me those names is when he'll start liking me and I was so disgusted by the idea...until now...I guess. After the long silence, I decided I have to break it. 

"Soo...what do you wanna talk about and that it should be up here?" I asked and took a bite of the apple. 

He was silent for a moment. It's like he was rehearsing lines or something.

"Cat got your tongue, loser?" I asked impatiently. 

 "Are you in a relationiship with River?" he finally spoke up and suddenly I didn't have the intention in finishing the apple anymore.

"No, not yet..." I admitted. "I'm still thinking about things and I have been confused lately." Then I covered my mouth with one hand. I can't believe I just said the last part out loud. 

"Confused?" a small grin of his has just appeared. "About what?"

"Nothing. Ignore that."

"Anyway, me too. I've been confused with my feelings for you lately."

My heart was beating like crazy. "Wh-what do you mean, loser?" 

"Dude, I think it may sound so cheesey that you would probably think I'm lying but--"

"Spit it out!" I cut him off impatiently.

"I may have a little crush on you."

At that moment, my heart was beating its fastest and my cheeks were absolutely positively red. "But you hate me," was all I managed to say and it didn't came out quite right for his small confession. I could've tried the usual "Thanks" or the simple "Oh." But no...I had to be harsh!

"Wait...that didn't sound right. I mean, I have been crushing on you all this time," he corrected himself and gave me his smirk. "I am just so good in hiding things from you, Slick."

"But in the apple tree back then..." I reasoned. "You said that you'd never like me."

"It was you who said that. You were all 'ewww, that is never happenin' blah blah blah. Clyde, you're so yucky and ewwiieee,'" he went all girly trying to mimicking the small me back then (which is SO NOT like me).

"I was nowhere near the last part but now I am," I crossed my arms, rearranging my thoughts. I like River. I just had to tell Clyde that he didn't have any chance anymore because sooner or later, I will tell River that I am going to agree to be in a relationship with him. It's the only thing I've been longing for years. Why is it that I am not so sure now? Was it because of Clyde? I didn't expect that there would be a turn of events.  "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything yet," he offered me a smile. "This whole thing will probably die out eventually." My heart fell. "Well, I don't want it to end," I silently whined to my heart. Could it be...? Could it be that I like—? Nah. 

"But mind you, Blaire," he interrupted my sea of thoughts. He looked at me and suddenly my name coming out from his voice rang in my ears over and over and over...Blaire. Blaire. Blaire. Maybe he really does like me. But I was again brought back to reality when he said..."I  am so up for the competition." And the next thing I know, he brought out a small (squished) white flower from his pocket and slid it to my ear. 

"I wonder if you still kept the flower I gave you when you left," he said and took my apple and gave it a bite, then he leaned on my shoulder as if it was the most common thing he would do.

Tough competition, huh? I wonder. 

Poof barked. 

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