7/31/12 #imagines :)

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#imagine Dancing with Niall at a party as he slowly brings you closer and gently kisses your lips.

#imagine You’re crying and Niall wipes away your tears. “It’s okay beautiful, please don’t cry, I hate seeing you sad”, he whispers softly.

 #imagine Niall’s face lighting up everytime someone mentions your name.

#imagine Niall holding you as you sleep. His arms wrapped around your waist, his lips close to your neck.

#imagine Going to the Olympics with Niall. You show up on the screen and you wave as he kisses you on the cheek.

#imagine Decorating a Christmas tree with Niall.

#imagine Sitting with Niall on the beach watching the sunset. His warm arm is around you and you lean your head on his strong chest.

 #imagine You fall asleep in Niall’s arms, he plays with your hair and sings to you.

#imagine Niall asking you to move in with him.

#imagine Sitting patiently in the doctors room waiting for the results of yours and Niall’s baby. It turns out that you are having a baby girl.

#imagine Niall pulling you close to him. He traces your back with his fingers before telling you how much he loves you.

#imagine Running your hands through Niall’s hair as he kisses you passionately.

#imagine Niall wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you close and kissing your lips softly.

Niall Horan #imagines!!!!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now